Now, it's clear that she will not be able to quit cold turkey. What I am suggesting is a detox program that consists of a weaning process in which volunteers will gradually "de-lactify" Ms. Hayek over a number of months. The only problem now is finding people who care enough about her well-being and will be able to devote a substantial amount of time to this endeavor. Ladies, this includes you (especially you). I will be videotaping the entire process so that it can be used as a treatment guide for future addicts. Interested parties should contact me ASAP so that we can help this poor woman. Time is of the essence, folks!
Sign me up Chris, because like you, I am a "giver".
Besides, I need some more foam on my Latte.
ooh ooh new girl crush! Is it wrong that I saw the title...saw the pic...and all i could think of was "boobies"!!!!
At first I thought you were being immature but after reading it again, and seeing there will be filming, I agree with you. I think if some of the other ladies actually swing their breast against her breasts, the impact may in some way "delactify" her bosom. This may sound odd but I swear I just read it in a medical journal.
I can milk her, I grew up on a farm.
I'm into the female species... I get shotgun.
I think her problem is that she knows that once she stops breastfeeding, her boobs will shrink. I kept nursing my kids until the school principal intervened.
If the kid can ask for it, you need to stop.
it takes a strong person to admit such an addiction, and a STRONGER person to stand up alongside her and say she needs help an' y'all are gonna make sho' she gets it!
Kudos, bro.
Who says that American's aren't a charitable bunch? keep up the good work, man!
Aahem..I'm quite addicted as well..but I don't go around offering my tits..just as long my 14 month old daughter will want it...you can't immagine how relaxing is breastfeeding..if man could do it..they will have someone attached all the time!(..please avoid expected comment about wishing to have someone attached somewhere else all the time..);)
I'm amazed the baby hasn't been suffocated by those things!!
First, my computer hates you for tricking me into clicking anything Fox News posts. Second, I thought the milk glands didn't work when the silic...nevermind.
I would like to come clean and announce that I too am addicted to breast feeding.
I find myself very often (sniff) walking up to(sniff)unfamiliar breast just wanting to suckle.
It's like a bad accident. I can't look away...
....and I'm a heterosexual female.
I'm glad someone cares enough to try to help her.
The word de-lactifying made me picture a de-venoming scene, only instead of holding the snake's mouth against the edge of the specimen jar... well, you get the idea.
Welcome, Southernbelle! That's a good way to look at it, only a lot less nerve-wracking.
Thank you for the image I can't get out of my mind.
I want to help-a lot! Please sign me up immediately for this delactification program! Oh, I heard that Vida Guerra is having a similar "problem." She's battling "spankanatia" a very serious addiction to getting that big round bottom of hers spanked. Should I sign you up for her spank therapy?
I'm sorry. Was there a post attached to this? Because I couldn't take my eyes off the picture.
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