One of the things I try to avoid most when blogging is duplicating something someone has already done. My quality control staff spends hours scouring the blogs I read to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen. However, from time to time, certain posts fall through the cracks. I had posted something about Ricardo Montalban's 88th birthday and the Chrysler Cordoba when not minutes later Dr. Zibbs alerted me to the fact that
he had beaten me to the punch. Apparently he couldn't wait for Ricky's birthday to do his post. I understand. With material in high demand these days, this blogging business has become dog-eat-dog (or yak, in this case). In my defense, at least I spelled his name correctly.
I have put my staff on notice and have deleted the offending post. One more fuck-up like this and they can kiss their Christmas bonuses goodbye.
I wondered why when I kept clicking on "His Rich Corinthian Leather Never Ages..." it always said not found.
Damn blogger application teasing me when your funniness!
That's OK, I was planning on posting a vid of me watching TV like you did. Except it won't be as good because it's me watching the news.
I employ an Ombudscat for this very purpose.
Now wait just a minute there....
I posted a kitty kat today...
NO FAIR!! But I believe My QC people beat you to the punch today!!
- Jennifer
Oh well. At least you didn't mix up Marie Antoinette and Joan of Arc like I did! (blush). I had to go back and re-do one of my posts hours after it was unleashed because I all of a sudden woke up in the middle of the night thinking wait a minute....
Chris, you can tell us... did Zibbs hurt you? He threatened you didn't he? And I bet he told you to tell people that you got that shiner from falling down the stairs, didn't he? That damn blogger is a menace!
Thanks to the greatness of Google Reader I saw the post in question and it was great. A real collector's item.
I hope you beat the staff along with the stern warning. Employees have got to be kept in line!
I probably wouldn't have noticed because you post once a day as opposed to Zibbsy's 402 posts.
I saw it, too! It was sleek.
That's what you get for outsourcing American jobs to Iceland ; )
I already wrote an article like this, dude.
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