Megan and I are seriously considering going to D.C. for the inauguration in January. I've never been to one and, really, how cool would it be to make this one my first?
If I were Obama, I'd try to have a little fun with it. After eight years of Captain Shitburger, the country could use a little levity. It would be a good move to show everyone he has a sense of humor. I think he should emerge from the Capitol and walk up to the podium wearing:

A Che Guevara t-shirt,

a kaffiyeh,

and waving the old Soviet flag.
Then he could look out over the stunned onlookers and yell,
As long as Michelle has "Google this: That Blue Yak" written on her breasts I'll be happy.
Maybe he could get a plastic fetus and pretend to stab it while squirting ketchup all over the place too?
That would be the icing on the cake for me.
I bet 40000 retired republican pastors would have a stroke.
Now THAT would be funny!!
i think a tee shirt with a picutre of bush taking a dump might get a chuckle out of the DC police...
or how about going dressed as the car laura wrecked!
Michelle should come out in a burka!
You're there, I'm there!
Michelle yelling, "yi,yi,yi,yi,yi,yi,yi,yi,yi,yi!" would be pretty flipping funny, too!
I'm all for anything that gives Bill O'Pilely and Sean Insannity heart attacks.
That's how I dress every day.
you forgot a little black mustache
The old time GOPers would shit their pants and have a heart attack right there!
And scrap "Hail to the Theif" for Public Enemy's "Bring The Noise."
I vote Some Guy for Chief Of Staff Pranks.
Personally, I would love him to use the "N" word as much as possible and as much urban speak as he can. The "Crackers" at my local barber shop would blow a vein just waiting to tell me "I told ya!"
He could hire Tina Fey to walk out and wrestle with him.
She'd have to let him win, of course.
dude-you're good. That's funny.
How about a white hood and sheet?
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