I got to the poll at about 8:15 A.M.
I had to wait maybe 15 minutes.
In my small town of 2,500, we do it the old-fashioned way.
We fill in bubbles with a pen.
None of this touch-screen electronic bullshit.
In addition to the votes I cast for individuals,
I also got to vote in favor of a proposition
that would allow for the use of
medical marijuana in Michigan.
As someone who suffers from Glaucoma,
this is something that affects me personally.
Awesome guy... Fonzie's on her way after her coffe...
You're totally going to get high today, aren't you.
Ours was the scantron variety as well. And then afterwards when the woman put the ballot in the processor, I had this brief moment of paranoia that it was actually a shredder.
I voted a while ago from home, using my fill in the bubble ballot also.
I like voting in my bathrobe, that's why they mail me the ballot now.
Your countrymen thank you for voting. Now, let's smoke some spliff.
I'm voting at 4:20
We went about 5:30 a.m. and there were hundreds of people lined up in the rain. I went back about 10:00 a.m. and got right in. I love to vote - and we also fill in the circles. I'm very proud to tell you that I didn't even go out of the lines :)
McGone--I thought about that too--and so I stood there for a few seconds, listening.
I'm so glad we have paper ballots again. We had electronic machines in 2006 and I know they were probably screwy.
On top of getting to choose the next leader of the free world, I got to choose paper or electronic ballot. I went old school. You should have seen me bent over my paper studiously coloring those circles. I was so careful - I think I even had the tip of my tongue sticking out while I was coloring!
We had to vote on whether or not English should be the official language of Missouri. I said no. Seems like a prelude to the Final Solution to me. Stupid haters.
Get as high as you like guys but look over your shoulders for Lady Elaine...
This has been a warning brought to you by fonzie sox.
If you get some weed, please send me some. But be discreet about and I want no junk. Just the good stuff. And oh yeah..I will be weighing it when it arrives so it better not be short.
I got in line at 7am and I was number 129! Went door knocking from 8-12. Even got to "vouch" for a college student in my neighborhood.
Medical marijuana is the humane choice, and I'm not being snarky.
Bubbles and pens here too.
I got a sticker to!!!
'course mine says "Checked Twice" from McDonalds......but hey it's a sticker..
Wait..........did I miss the point of the post???
Damn my blond roots.
I don't have glaucoma but I firmly believe an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Hmmm... stickers must vary from state to state.
There was absolutely NOBODY in line when I voted at 9:30am today. I think they calculated 65% of Boulderites already voted before today. I used the only machine they had - it was electronic, but it wasn't a touch screen or anything fancy.
I took my oldest. He and I arrived at the polls at 11:15 am. We walked out ai 1:59 pm. No lie. But he had friends in the line and we were at his school on the play ground side so now he loves voting.
I'm overwhelmed!
I voted early-it didn't take as long as the lines suggested. I also had the bubble things to fill up. Afterwords I felt relieved.
Bubbles and pens and papers cuts here too. But, damn it, I didn't get a sticker when I voted!! Where's the hell is MY sticker?!?!
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