
I Know You Guys Are Probably Sick Of These...

...but, really, who doesn't love a rapid succession of pictures set to music? In this case I used "You're So Damn Hot" by OK Go.

No Rummy Rumsfield pictures in this one, but I can promise a lot of cleavage.

There are also six prominent bloggers scattered throughout the video (not including yours truly). See if you can identify them:

In case you don't know what this is all about:
Part 1
Part 2


Anonymous said...

Famous bloggers:

Anne Altman
Grant Miller
Frank DeMarco (?)

what do I win? Please don't say cleavage, I have enough of that.

Dr Zibbs said...

The End go very Titallating. I saw my man Grant.

Leonesse said...

I love Mr. Rogers. Kinda reminds me of this Miller fella.

SkylersDad said...

Most people don't know that Ernest Borgnine blogs, but under the name Quintan McHale.

Jen said...

I'm not sick of 'em

good stuff

Mnmom said...

Skylersdad stole my line. Damn him!

Doc said...

At no point whatsoever can I picture myself getting tired of these! I love these! They're a hoot! Not to mention the music has really set them off.

Keep it up.


lulu said...


And someone else....

Micgar said...

I saw you, Megan, Grant and some boobs. I didn't know which were the other bloggers because I don't know what some of the other bloggers look like so...
Hey! I really like that song! I hadn't heard that before.

SamuraiFrog said...

I'm not sick of these; in fact, I'm looking forward to the next one!

katrocket said...

I think these slideshows are freaking awesome. They're packed with vitamins and minerals.