Sorry about my absence from the blogworld the last few days. Megan and I have been busy sanding hardwood floors at our house. The work was a pain in the ass and very grueling, but it paid off when I kicked all the Kobra Kai's asses in the big karate tournament. A big shout-out to Mr. Miyagi for all his assistance!
I knew you were very honorable.
Did you sand while in the crane pose? Because that would have been awesome!
Think I just peed myself laughing
What is with everyone and their floors? Jeebus, you are the third blogger in the last two weeks.
Who gets to do the wax on?
Yes, but can you catch flies with chopsticks?
I'm impressed if you hand sanded. Very impressed.
Bill- We did use power sanders, but the worst part was filling the gaps between boards with wood filler.
Oh, Some Guy. I've been there and done that! Mr. Ex and I refinished the floors in our second house. The edges were a bitch. They turned out nice, though. That's when I learned what tack cloth was. Good stuff to know about! I use it here on the desert for housework!
Hey, I found something that made me think of you today. Check out my blog... if you can stand it.
everything's more fun with grass! provided you got off the sofa to start the project.
Sweep the leg--do you have a problem with that?
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