I've watched a shitload of TV in my day, but I have yet
to see a show that utilizes the potential chemistry of
to see a show that utilizes the potential chemistry of

The only things missing are:
- a title
- a setting
- a third character
Third character is the nurse from One flew over the cuckoos nest, forcing Simmons to have a lobotomy and Brimley to have a high colonic.
I leave the title and setting to others...
Jerk and the Fatman. Set in an aerobics facility. Third character: Joyce DeWitt as herself.
Title: "Who's Gathering Moss?"
Setting: A retirement home.
Third Character: Leslie Nielsen.
Brimley and Nielsen spend most of the episode, trying not to be sedated. Richard Simmons stars as the home's whacky activities director, and also starring Joanna Cassidy, because she is the hottest thing over sixty in the entire world.
Title: "Buffoon."
Setting: A retirement home.
Third Character: Brian Dennehy (because he's only other elderly main cast member other than Brimley from "Coccoon" that is still alive).
A television sequel to "Coccoon," with Richard Simmons as the alien whose hijinks, frankly leaves everyone uncomfortable.
"My Two Goddamn Annoying Sons"
starring Wilford Brimley as the crotchety but lovable Father character dealing with the shenanigans of his sons played by Simmons and Ty Penning. Set in Chicago in 1972.
"Chicken Fat Farm"
Richard Simmons stars as an aerobics instructor in Beverly Hills who is really an IRS investigator - looking for tax cheats on the yoga circuit. Wilford Brimely is head IRS agent. Robert Preston owns the club and often breaks out into song.
I think you guys are overlooking the tremendous range Richard has in terms of acting. I'm thinking he'd be good as a retired rodeo star/bartender or a mafia kingpin.
"Crusty and Skeeter"
A flighty and sexually ambiguous aerobics instructor inherits a bed and breakfast from his dead aunt, and when he gets there he finds out that the cantankerous handyman has to stay with the place.
Betty White plays the scheming head of the local garden club, who may or may not have had a child out of wedlock years ago with Brimley.
They each think the other has an easier life so they switch lives for a day. So obvious I feel stupid even saying. Oh yeah. Or they're crime solving mimes.
I dunno about a movie - but a reality show of Wilford beating the crap out of Simmons would be fun to watch. Maybe Wilford, driving a Hummer, could chase Simmons down and drive over him a few times.
"Sweating With The Oldies?"
"CODE NAME: Diabeetus"
Setting: an elite team of Delta Force Operators head to Columbia to save kidnapped missionaries & a country singer
Third character: Dolly Parton
"Third character: Joyce DeWitt as herself."
I would definitely give all these shows a chance but for sure I would TiVo Bubs'. Awesome.
I vote for Bubs too
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