"Bigger, Stronger, Faster" by filmmaker Chris Bell takes a look at anabolic steroids in a way I've never seen before. Most of what we know about steroids comes from Senate hearings or
preachy after-school specials starring Ben Affleck. This movie digs into the reasons why people do steroids beyond the performance-enhancing aspect. The filmmaker, who is the middle-child of three brothers, is the only one of the three that decided against using steroids. His brothers both are unapologetic about their use. I learned a lot of stuff I didn't know, especially in terms of the studies (or lack thereof) of the impact of long-term steroid use. It's a very interesting movie and shows how documentary film is so effective when it comes to discussing complex issues.
Netflix link
Chris I was just reading a review about a movie that is a spoof of Michael Moore by one of the Zucker Brothers. You sould go see that.
I hadn't realized the Zuckers were staunch right wingers but they admit so in interviews ... their movies, accidental humor?
Yeah, the doc on steroids and the brothers is most interesting. I love our double standards: take steroids, never get caught and also succeed - well then, you're a sport's heroes. Take 'em, win and get caught and you're scum.
I love documentaries.
Hey look what I found the other day - a documentary about carnies!
It looks like it's going to be coming on The Sundance Channel November 17 at 9pm. I'm putting it on my calendar! Ever since Zibbs wrote that post about carnies I've been reading and searching the net nonstop. I want to know more about these "carny" creatures!
seeing guys on roids at the gym (and women) is pretty scary stuff.....
did you ever get my email?
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