As a rule I like to try to take my morning poop before I take a shower. It makes more hygienic sense. However, there are occasions where, immediately following my shower, I have the urge to go again. Despite my best efforts, I can never quite adequately dry my ass before it makes contact with the seat. This to me is one of the most uncomfortable sensations there is - wet ass against a toilet seat. I have no idea why I decided to share this. I was delinquent in posting anything yesterday and was desperate for content.
I have a friend who carries individual wipes - like the kind you get at KFC - for that "last wipe" just so he can feel sanitary. Makes sense if you think about it.
I hate that feeling too. It reminds me of a horrible Slip n' Slide injury as a kid.
I have an unnatural fear of slipping into the toilet on a wet ass never to be seen again.
I feel your pain Chris.
In brightest day,
In darkest dawn,
No urine can escape my john.
Let those who
Falling in are prone,
Beware my glowing
Green Lantern throne.
Don't apologize, Chris, any post you do is a great post! We love you!
Totally agree.
I think the slidy dampness of your toilet seat might prove to be less of an inconvenience for you than the radiation sickness you're surely going to suffer from that glow-in-the-dark toilet.
Other than NeoPets, where can I get a toilet seat like that? And how long does the glow last? Or to REALLY get it to shine like THAT, do you need a blacklight, I wonder??
you need a heated toilet seat
those padded seats freak me out.
So, what's your feeling about bidets then?
No that loo would be useful at night, no need to turn the lights on.
you should share stuff like this more often...i lose ten pounds laughing.
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