I'd like to thank blog-pal
Falwless for letting me know about this wonderful godsend. Now, rather than checking every damn blog on my roll for new material, I can sit back while Google Reader does it for me. As a result, I have more time to read stuff by other bloggers I had been meaning to check out. I rarely use my blogroll anymore and thus have not updated it for a long time. I did, however, want to acknowledge the blogs I have been reading that aren't listed. There are some good ones. If yours is not listed and you think I'd like it, leave me a note. A lot of these will be familiar to many of you:
Funny, I introduce you to Google Reader whilst I stop using it. The posts were adding up so quickly and I got so behind that I just felt too overwhelmed. I'm back to using my blogroll and click click clicking for new posts...
I need to just start fresh - open up Reader, mark all previous posts as read, and go forth anew.
As if you cared about any of this!
No wonder you rarely comment on my amazing, award winning blog. I'm not in your Google Reader. Thanks.....Friend.
Zibbs- All the people on my blogroll (including you) are also on Google Reader. Have no fear. I don't always comment because mine can tend to be lame and I fear they will detract from the awesomeness of your blog.
Yup, Google Reader is definitely the way forward. And I just discovered that I can use it to subscribe to sites that are blocked by my work firewall, like thesuperficial.com and several porn sites. Nice one geeza!
Thnaks for reading! I'll try not to disappoint you (anymore).
Thanks for the shout! I heart googler reader more than I heart Pierce Brosnan.
Wow i'm totally honored as your blog is one of my favs. Thanks for the shout out friend :D *curtsey*
Hey Chris-I just put you on that "Blogs I am Following thing. Is GR similar?
Sweet - I feel like I made The Show!
Google Reader really is a godsend for those of us who tend to steal precious time from our work overlords while chained to our desks.
Speaking of documentaries (you mentioned it there somewhere, maybe), here is one produced by the CBC that ran nationally on Sunday night. I'm not sure you would have seen it down there, but it's worth a look.
The Bush Years
Wow, I'm honored! Thanks!
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