Here's the thing. I feel like I can safely say that I don't know this. I've heard people tell me he is, but I don't know it to be true. In fact, I have heard a lot of compelling evidence to the contrary. Yet, according to the McCain equation, I cannot exist. I'm like the square root of -1. They have effectively declared me part of the null set.
I gotta tell you, though. The null set isn't all that bad. It's quiet. Not a lot of traffic. People don't fuck with you. It beats the pants off the jet set.
Word from Africa is that the tribe with the weird clicking language is saying that McCain and Palin are both Mavericks.
What is not known is that in their language Maverick is asshole.
I must reside in nothingness with you. Think I'll start making everyone call me Doctor or Genius. Evidently labels don't have to be true anymore and I can get all the benefits without the actual behavior or commitment.
It's true, the Yanamamo (the Amazonian tribe) upon meeting them said to me: McCain..Mavreek.
Republicans in general are known rebels, rabblerousers and ruffler of the status quo.
Everyone knows this.
I'd leave a comment, but I don't exist.
If I don't exist, do I have to pay my bills? Do I even have bills?
I dunno-I'm just nullin' around like you.
From wiki,
The empty set is always a null set.
Thus, I am null too.
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