One of my longest-time blog pals,
Beth, has asked anyone interested to post a picture or two of ourselves as children in our Halloween costumes. I was able to find two. I'm not sure what year they're from:

In this one, I am the Tin Man from "The Wizard Of Oz". The costume consisted of a silvery posterboard top (with heart) and a cone hat. From the look on my face, I either had a case of the shits or I wished I was going as Evel Knievel instead. And who else hated those plastic pumpkin candy buckets? As I got older and more savvy, I switched to a pillowcase which had loads more candy-carrying capacity.

Here I'm a pirate. A pretty lazy costume if you ask me. If it weren't for the bandana and the eye patch, I'd look like I did every other day (The mustache was real. I was able to grow facial hair at an early age).
Other entries can be found
Chris, looking at that really, really , really crappy tin man costume it's obvious that you came from either a very poor family or you were the one that they loved the least. Either way, I'm glad you were able to rise above.
Those are fabulous photos! You're the cutest lil' guy in that Tin Man costume, but Super Dave Osborne next to you there takes the cake.
I think I already mentioned somewhere else that those plastic pumpkins were just ready to slice a wrist open for some good Halloween arterial bleeding!
I'm really happy that you were able to upgrade from Tin Man to pirate.
That shirt looks familiar! I loved the pillowcase method, we were too poor to have the fancy pumpkin buckets but I would have hated them too.
Great photos Chris!
I've always had a thing for third graders who could rock a 'stache.
You're on the pageant roll, my dear!
When you trick-or-treated in the tin man getup, did you get rocks or candy?
These are too cute!
I love the tin man costume. Homemade costumes are so much cooler than the ones from the store.
Such a cute tin man/pirate!!!
I hated those freakin' pumpkins. I have more than one scar from them.
How cute!
Is that your sister in those pics with you? She was a lil' hottie.
Funny, as soon as I saw the pic I thought "Oh, I remember those plastic pumpkin buckets. I hated those." Great minds think alike!
Tin Man is a hard costume to pull it off but you did an admirable job.
I'm not over how your mom had the 'vision' to make you a pirate when she looked at that striped shirt. Totally inventive 10 points for mom... Tin man was totally adorable
LOVE both costumes. You were (are) adorable!
I still have one of those pumpkins. I use it to hold the candy I hand out. Rocking it old school!
If I had a scanner I'd upload my
5th grade Dolly Parton costume. I developed early, too.
Chris, I don't know what it is about you but I fucking adore you. Not in a threatening way (Hi Megan!), just in a if-I-lived-closer-I-would-want-to-hang-out-with-you-all-the-time way.
Dude, you rocked the 'stache!
Tin Man Costume rocks!
Tom Selleck stole your mustache, buddy.
That's what the Wizard of Oz was missing! Evel Knievel! While the Tin Man searched for a heart and the lion searched for courage, Evil was looking for affordable health care.
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