Megan has a little vegetable garden growing in our yard. She uses this product to keep deer and other animals from eating her crops. Last night I caught a whiff of it for the first time.
OK, imagine eating a casserole made of boiled cabbage and dog shit. Then, puke it up onto a rotting beaver carcass. Let it sit in the hot sun for a few days. That's pretty much the smell. In fact, I'm guessing that is the exact process they use to manufacture it. It must suck to work in their factory, you know, having to eat all that dog shit and puke it up day in and day out. I hope they pay well and offer decent benefits.
We have the extra strength Liquid Fence. Gene Shallot breathes into it just before they put the cap on. It's pricey but no deer.
I bought some highly stinky stuff called Earth Juice a while back. You're supposed to add it to the water for plants, flowers, etc. Smelled like a drunk just hurled right up into a bottle. A drunk who had recently been to Taco Bell and ordered extra onions.
I'm not sure if i'd even want to eat the veggies out of the garden after it been sprayed around it!!
Vikkitikkitavi - GOOD ONE!!!!!!!
Mmmmm, Liquid Fence.
wonderful descriptive prose!!! i smell a Food Network career...
or is that liquid fence? no.
my underarms?
no, it's actually your underarms.
sorry about the failed career thingie.
next time.
uggh no wonder it keeps all order of living things away! Geez!
you put that on a vegetable garden and then eat the veggies?
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