Like anything, I feel the need to share my knowledge with the rest of you. Here is an introductory guide to what I call "Viking Chic":

white can be worn year-round, especially with a little dash of color.
Talk about LOL Cats! Me-OW!
Oh, and overalls are ALWAYS fashion-forward.

Capes are prevalent, along with satin-y, form-fitting attire.
And, is it me, but does the guy on the left look vaguely like
a younger Wallace Shawn in a bag wig?

Sew an epaulet on anything and these fuckers
eat it up with a spoon.
Just don't skimp on the sequins.

Ill-fitting tuxedos and platform shoes for the men.
Trampy Halloween costumes for the women.

They also like to see LOTS of arm.
And cats, apparently.

This is the kind of thing you're likely to see people
wearing at the hardware store or the lutefisk stand.
So, if you're planning a trip to Oslo or Stockholm, hopefully
now you have an idea of what to pack.
It's important to blend in when you're in foreign lands.
I haven't wanted to punch that monkey faced dude in the face for years. Now, the feelings have all come back.
I like the gold foil outfits....can I place an order with you?
I dunno-- I think I wore stuff like that in high school. Now it's just too high maintanence and I stick to tee-shirts and jeans.
That just flies in the face of everything I've come to know about Scans
After seeing that post I feel Bjorn again!
wallace shawn?? i'm thinkin dana carvey!!
Those guys had gold records out the ass. Couldn't they spare some change for a gym membership? Little girls have better muscle definition than those guys.
I knew my fashion sense would come back in style one of these days.
The tux with high heel boots looks suspiciously like my high school prom...
The gold foil rocks!
They were some fashion guru's huh?
Good Lord...
i am in sweden right now and i thought i saw you on the main drag
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