Isn't that setting the bar a little low?
I don't know about you, but when I buy beer I always assume -- at a minimum -- that I will be able to pour it into my face and swallow it no matter how shitty it tastes. I certainly don't expect I'll have to chew it. Aren't they in essence saying, "Buy our Beer! It's a liquid!"?
I mean, fuck, urine is drinkable. That doesn't make it good.
Here's an idea for their new ad. Zoom in across a mountain range or up a cliff to a close-up shot of Bear Grylls holding a can of Bud, saying, "Take it from me, it's better than piss!"
You had me at "pour it into my face."
Why do you have to be so funny in so few words? I have to write tedious entries to make people laugh. You just throw up a paragraph and clever little post tags and voila! Comedy magic.
In other words, I'm boycotting your blog out of spite and bitterness.
yeah-really-people drink beer to drink beer-they don't drink it for its "drinkability"!
I just recently said the same thing to Vikki after seeing a Bud commercial. I think what they're trying to say is that it has no flavor & goes down like water.
I'm with falwless - how can you be so f-ing funny in so few words????
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