I'm sad to say that it did not live up to my high expectations. It didn't taste bad, but if I hadn't already known it had bacon in it, I never would've been able to tell. It just tasted kinda salty with a slight crunchiness. I think the bacon was ground up too fine.
I think we need bacon covered chocolate instead.
¿Maybe the best way to go about this is to make a mole?
That way it would be more savory than sweet.
If they would mold it into the shape of boobs I'd say they'd have a winner.
Plus it was $3 for a 1/2 ounce piece of chocolate!
Now, I really like these. My friend bought me a couple of the big bars when I moved to Dhaka last year, and I have turned a lot of people on to them.
I think the slightly meaty, salty taste of the bacon is a perfect contrast to to the chocolate.
You're a guy who lives on frozen pizzas, I'm not sure you're a qualified judge of fine chocolates. ;-)
Thanks for trying it.
I liked the thorough, comprehensive review. Took me a good while to read the whole thing, but I managed.
WHile I think it genious of Vosage to create it, I tend to agree with you on this one. If some low-class chocolate company would just make one, it would probably taste better.
Like Snickers or Hershey - they should make one and I bet it would be awesome.
The bacon was ground up? Where's the fun in that? If you're going to eat something like that, it might as well be a whole piece of bacon dipped in chocolate. And a stick. It should be on a stick.
They are on the right track, but bacon is more of a beef garnish. Mini-sausage chunks in bourbon inside a chocolate bon-bon.
There's your snack my man.
To build on a previous comment, if they molded it into the shape of boobs, Dr. Zibbs would have a weiner.
Ahh sweet and salty - my favorite combo. Next time make pig candy - just roll 1/2 slices of bacon in brown sugar and broil. HMMMMMMM. Tasty Sooo - Whee!
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