I pulled an all-nighter last night working on some architecture biz-nass. I haven't done that in a while. It was pretty common in college. I remember the best part about it was when got to the point where you started seeing things.
The building I was working on turned out like this:

Actually, that was a lie. This was done by a guy named Lebbeus Woods. He does some interesting stuff. He's one of those architects who does a bunch a stuff that never gets built. You can check him out
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go chase the Hobbit that keeps peeking his head into my office.
Why would anyone not want to build that building and then live in it. You're a liar.
Man, I've been there. Enjoy the free hallucinations!
My hat is off to you Chris! I don't have the endurance to make it through the evening news anymore.
If I stay awake too long I turn into Leona Helmsley.
I have to admit, I love all-nighters. I get much more creative and focused after 11 p.m.
Being an art major, pulling all-nighters was my main-stay because I couldn't create until my drunk ass roommates were in bed.
You can always resort to trapping the Hobbit. Just take a little bit of strawberry jam (or preserves, if you're filthy rich like that, Mr. Big Bucks) and slather it on a half-unwrapped slice of Kraft 2% Singles (preferrably American, though Pepper Jack works nicely, too). The Hobbit will eat that and then you could try to build a trap for him later.
Update, it has now been about 35 hours that I've been awake. I've had two beers since I got home from work and I'm going to go watch a local High School Steel Drum Band perform in the park.
Go ask alice!
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