I Don't Usually Post About Dreams I Have...

So I'm at a Cubs game at Wrigley Field and someone I don't know comes up to me and asks if I'd like to watch the game from the Cubs dugout. I was a little skeptical, but I decided it was too good an offer to pass up. This person led me to a special entrance which we passed through without anyone asking who we were. As we were walking down a corridor I was in disbelief that this was actually happening. We entered a run-down locker room and I proceeded to take off my shorts because I thought I'd be too hot. I had on tidy-whities (which I haven't worn since I was a kid). I then entered the dugout, feeling a little out of place. I looked around and noticed that there were boxes of candy everywhere - all kinds. I asked someone if you had to pay for it and they told me no, I could have all I wanted - free! There was also a bar at the far end with a guy serving drinks. Again I asked if you had to pay. No, they told me. It was an open bar. I asked for a Dos Equis tall boy can (which I've never seen and don't think exists). I took my beer and tried not to get in the way as I watched the Cubs lose, 5-1. I can't remember who they were playing.
The weird thing was that, in the dream, the Cubs dugout was along the first base line rather than the third base line where it actually is. As soon as I realized this, I woke up.
Merry Fishmas...

for Christmas. It was fun. I hadn't done one of these in a long time.

I have a lot of the carving done, but you'll just have to be patient.
I'm Not Talking About Tiger Woods...

Ski Report '09: Week One...

For those of you new to this blog, I like to highlight the song that was playing during what I felt was my best run of the weekend. This time it was "Holland, 1945" by Neutral Milk Hotel. Enjoy!
Here's What Happens In Northern Michigan...
...when you live in a poorly insulated house with a low-pitched roof and you get a lot of snow and you wait too long before you get off your ass and rake it off:
Nothing Gets Me In The Chrismas Spirit...
Ricky's mom is the gift that keeps on giving.
If you want to see the extended scene, click HERE.
If you've never watched it at all, what is your problem?
Happy Birthday, Dude!...

Jeff Bridges,
turns the big 6-0 today!
Here's one of my favorite fictional movie president speeches from The Contender. I posted this once a while ago, but what the hell...
And just for the fuck of it: (NSFW)
I Need Your Vote...
As some of you may know, I was nominated for a number of Drysdale Awards this year. I've won five of these bad boys over the years, but one that has eluded me is the award for Dullest Blog. Even though I'm up for other awards, I'm focusing all my attention on this particular race. I've put a lot of effort into boring the shit out of you all this past year and I think I deserve your vote. Voting is currently underway along the sidebar at the link above. Don't worry. If you've already cast your vote, there's still time to change it. Please consider the following my campaign video:
Using an electric toothbrush while listening to Tito Puente.
Happy Turkey Farts Everyone!...
Have a joyous Thanksgiving! Remember to do everyone a favor today and for the love of God light a match when you're done in there! Jeez!
Documentary Film Of The Day: Gates Of Heaven...

Add it to your queue or watch it right away HERE.
One Of My Favorite Blues Jams...
...to start your weekend off right.
Lightnin' Hopkins - Moving Out Boogie
Lightnin' Hopkins - Moving Out Boogie
R.I.P. Jeanne-Claude...

June 13, 1935 – November 18, 2009
I became a fan of Christo and Jeanne-Claude through the wonderful series of documentaries by Albert Maysles. Their artwork, which has included the recent Central Park "Gates" is often controversial and sometimes confusing to people. With so many people in need in the world, why spend all that time, money, and effort on artwork that will be gone after a few weeks? Many question whether it is art at all. Well, I think it is art and it does have value. I think, like it or not, it gets people thinking. I like it when people try things no one else has tried, especially when it's stuff that no one thinks is possible. Plus, I think their projects are beautiful. Hell, even if you don't like it, it won't be around very long. Some of my favorites include:

No Nose Picking...
Now that I've got your attention...
In grade school we had a music teacher named Mrs. Jones (Grant Miller may remember her). Mrs. Jones was unflappable, for the most part, except when it came to one thing - nose picking. She did not abide nose pickers in her class. She had a rear-view mirror mounted to her piano so that she could spot any perpetrators as she would play. However, whenever she caught someone, rather than stop mid-song, she'd incorporate her scolding into the lyrics of whatever song - usually something patriotic - that we were learning. So, for example, This Land Is Your Land became:
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California, to the New York Island
From the redwood forest, no nose picking Jason
This land was made for you and me
To this day I can't hear the Star Spangled Banner or God Bless America without thinking about that crusty clinger that's dying to be extricated from my nostril. So if you're at a sporting event and you see me with my finger up my nose rather than my hand over my heart, you can blame Mrs. Jones.
In grade school we had a music teacher named Mrs. Jones (Grant Miller may remember her). Mrs. Jones was unflappable, for the most part, except when it came to one thing - nose picking. She did not abide nose pickers in her class. She had a rear-view mirror mounted to her piano so that she could spot any perpetrators as she would play. However, whenever she caught someone, rather than stop mid-song, she'd incorporate her scolding into the lyrics of whatever song - usually something patriotic - that we were learning. So, for example, This Land Is Your Land became:
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California, to the New York Island
From the redwood forest, no nose picking Jason
This land was made for you and me
To this day I can't hear the Star Spangled Banner or God Bless America without thinking about that crusty clinger that's dying to be extricated from my nostril. So if you're at a sporting event and you see me with my finger up my nose rather than my hand over my heart, you can blame Mrs. Jones.
Documentary Film Of The Day: The Fall Of Fujimori...

Netflix it HERE.
Thanks, Melinda June...

I've been trying to put my finger on just what the cover of the new Sarah Palin book reminded me of. While she had a different one in her post, I think they're similar.
Other Band Names Considered By They Might Be Giants...
- Perhaps Those Guys Could Be Bigger Than Most People.
-There's A Chance These Individuals Will Be Enormous
-Them Sure Ain't Small
-I'd Consider Putting Money On Them Being Fucking Huge
-The Titanic Nature Of The Two Men In Question Is A Distinct Possibility
-They May Get Drafted By A Baseball Team In San Francisco Or A Football Team In New York
-There's A Chance These Individuals Will Be Enormous
-Them Sure Ain't Small
-I'd Consider Putting Money On Them Being Fucking Huge
-The Titanic Nature Of The Two Men In Question Is A Distinct Possibility
-They May Get Drafted By A Baseball Team In San Francisco Or A Football Team In New York
The New OK GO Video...
My friend Dan is the drummer for this band (the one batting all the balls) and just posted this on Facebook, so it is hot off the presses. Like the other OK GO videos, it looks cool as hell. Enjoy!
More Video Of People Jumping From High Places...
A friend of mine in British Columbia who is into paragliding posted this on Facebook. I love stuff like this. Try to watch it through to the end. The photography is amazing.
B.A.S.E.O. from justACRO on Vimeo.
Holy Fucking Shit! A New Post!...

A few posts ago I mentioned THIS VIDEO and how cool I thought it was. Since then, thanks to Netflix Instant Viewing, I have worked my way through all 13 episodes of Cosmos. I can't say enough about this series. It was originally aired in the 80s, but still holds up quite well in my opinion. It is a celebration of scientific discovery throughout history and of the potential of the human mind. My limited knowledge of Sagan came mostly from those old Johnny Carson Tonight Show sketches. I'm happy now to have a more complete picture of who he was. While it is true that he could be a bit of a cheeseball, it is the good kind of cheeseball. His enthusiasm for science, knowledge, skepticism, turtlenecks and the intricate beauty of the universe was infectious. If you've never watched it, you should. If you have kids, watch it with them. It proves that not everything on television is crap.
Another Video With Two Favorites...
After finding the Louis Armstrong/Johnny Cash video, I am now on the lookout for live performances that combine two or more musicians that I consider legends. This is from a 1974 T.V. show on the CBC starring Canadian jazz pianist Oscar Peterson and the great Ray Charles. Peterson is one of my all-time favorite pianists and Ray Charles is an icon. The sound and picture aren't great, but it's still worth it. I figure most of you know Ray Charles music, but if you aren't familiar with Oscar Peterson, here's a short sample of what he's capable of:
Things I Suck At: Caption Contests...
There are a number of blogs that, from time to time, feature caption contests in which a photo is posted and people compete to come up with the most original caption for it. One of the most prominent is the long-running "Firecrotch Of The Month" contest at The Pop Eye. Every time I see one of these contests it is a sad reminder of just how bad I am at captioning. I present to you a few of my failed entries from various sites. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong:

Shit I Liked: Team Cereal...

Shit I Liked: Space Legos...
As some of you may have noticed, I have not been around as much lately. My posts have been thin and I haven't been leaving as many comments on your blogs (although I do still visit). I don't know what it is. I decided the thing I originally liked about the blog is that I can post whatever the fuck I want - funny or not. Like, maybe I'll post about random shit I liked...
In the early Eighties I was all about Space Legos. They invited creativity and were my toys of choice as a kid. They dominated any Christmas or birthday list I was asked to make. I would always build it as instructed first to prove I could, then quickly take it apart and make my own variations, often including parts from other sets. I found a site where you can browse every Lego set ever produced. If you were into Legos of any kind, you may find it interesting. These are the ones I remember having:
In the early Eighties I was all about Space Legos. They invited creativity and were my toys of choice as a kid. They dominated any Christmas or birthday list I was asked to make. I would always build it as instructed first to prove I could, then quickly take it apart and make my own variations, often including parts from other sets. I found a site where you can browse every Lego set ever produced. If you were into Legos of any kind, you may find it interesting. These are the ones I remember having:
Documentary Film Of The Day: Objectified...

Netflix it HERE.
Available at iTunes HERE.
I've jumped out of an airplane, but I don't think I'd have the stones to try this. It's cool as hell to watch, though!
There was a story about this on 60 Minutes, so if you want to see more you can check it out.
A Cool Video With Louis Armstrong And Johnny Cash...
Two of my all-time favorites - together.
This was taped in late 1970,
less than a year before Armstrong died.
This was taped in late 1970,
less than a year before Armstrong died.
Documentary Film Of The Day: Anvil: The Story Of Anvil...

A Carl Sagan Post...
After seeing this kick-ass video that Vikki posted on Facebook, I've been watching other Carl Sagan videos and learning more about him. I'll be honest. I've never read any of his books (I will now) or watched any of his shows like Cosmos (I will now). Here are a couple things to watch:
A hypercube rotation.
I Wasn't Sure What To Do With This...
Now, don't get me wrong. This Couey guy sounds like a bastard of the highest order and if you are someone who believes in hell, then I can understand why you'd think that's where he's headed. I'm just curious who their sources are on this, at least as far as the headline is concerned. Maybe they meant that he was headed to Hell, Michigan, in which case I apologize.
This Monkey Is My New Hero...
I randomly Googled monkey fart just now and found this. I'd never seen it before. I love how matter-of-fact the monkey is about it. He walks up, does his business, and gets out. I'm sure I did the same sort of thing more than once to my little brother when we were growing up. I know for a fact that he used to do it to me.
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