A few posts ago I mentioned THIS VIDEO and how cool I thought it was. Since then, thanks to Netflix Instant Viewing, I have worked my way through all 13 episodes of Cosmos. I can't say enough about this series. It was originally aired in the 80s, but still holds up quite well in my opinion. It is a celebration of scientific discovery throughout history and of the potential of the human mind. My limited knowledge of Sagan came mostly from those old Johnny Carson Tonight Show sketches. I'm happy now to have a more complete picture of who he was. While it is true that he could be a bit of a cheeseball, it is the good kind of cheeseball. His enthusiasm for science, knowledge, skepticism, turtlenecks and the intricate beauty of the universe was infectious. If you've never watched it, you should. If you have kids, watch it with them. It proves that not everything on television is crap.
except dont watch that awful Jodie Foster movie "Contact" which was written by Carl Sagan
other than that - I like Sagan
Holy Crap! You're not dead! I'm glad.
Will definetly watch Cosmos with the kids. They love that kind of stuff.
Billions and billions of stars...
I loved Cosmos!
'Cosmos' was a badass show. I've been going through a 1980s miasma of cheesy sci-fi lately and 'Cosmos' is way better than most. I didn't even mind 'Contact' much except who can take Matthew McConaughey seriously as a minister? Priest of Pot maybe. It explains his usual movie choices I guess.
my mom got me into this dude when i was a kid. i loved his voice! nerds rule.
I missed you, man-crush.
Everytime I think of Carl Sagan (which isn't very often), I think of Eugene Levy's impression on SCTV.
Hey, I don't remember if this was in your huge list of docs you've seen, but I just watched "Steal A Pencil For Me" last week and it was really good. Have you seen it?
I loved Sagan. My oldest and I still catch re-runs on PBS.
If you dig that, History Channel has a series callet The Universe. It's pretty good.
Carl Sagan wrote "Contact" but had nothing to do with the movie.
Honestly, bloggers that don't blog everyday are such slackers :)
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