Granted, there weren't any dried marshmallows or plastic toys in the box, but as far as bland flake cereals went, this one was one of the best. I can remember many happy mornings polishing off a bowl of Team (without milk, mind you) and then digging the masticated cereal clods out of my teeth with my fingernail, admiring them for a second, and then putting them back in my mouth for further digestion.
Without milk?
You are all man Some Guy, all man.
That looks yucky. I always liked Double Chex when I was younger, and then it was inexplicably discontinued. Crispix is almost as good, but not quite.
What's not to love about FOUR kinds of flakes?
I'm with BeckEye in the Chex club, but I also loved those mini boxes! Nothing was more thrilling that carving out that big ol' "H".
My parents were tough - it was dirt and water for me.
Cereal clods in teeth = a good childhood Saturday morning.
Go Team! I don't remember that cereal-I actually liked the sugary ones back then. I still do the picking-somewhat surreptitiously, with my tongue, then the further digestion.
Was this a Wheaties knock-off?
Me, I ate a lot of Quisp.
Is it me, or does the bowl on that box look like a dog bowl?
Team was like Wheaties only in slight shape resemblance, not even close in texture or flavor. In fact, there is nothing like it on the market today. Google 'Team Cereal' and not surprisingly there is a following still out there that would literally beg for a new box today. Unfortunately, 'Fibre with Added Fibre NOW WITH Psyllium!!' owns half the cereal isle, thanks to the constipated hippy generation.
There are a lot of flakes on my team.
I live in Ft. Lauderdale and just got back from the grocery store, where I went through the cereal aisle thinking the same thing. I really never knew what happened to my favorite cereal, so I googled it and found this. You are not alone. :)
weren't they maple-y?
woa - never ever heard of this before - EVER!
230 am I am feeding a baby and suddenly hankering for some good old Team Flakes. I am not alone.
Bring back team flakes.4 from general mills also
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