It's stupid.
I'm gonna go state by state and see if I can remember each of their Senators. Here are my guesses:
Maine: I think it's Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, both (R).
New Hampshire: Don't Know. One might be D'Amato (R)
Vermont: I know one is Bernie Sanders (I) and I think the other is Jim Jeffords. I think he was originally a (R), but may now be (I). Those crazy Vermonters!
Mass.: Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, both (D), both (D)
New York: Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton
Conn.: Chris Dodd (D) and Joe Lieberman (?)
R.I.: I think the Sr. is Jack Reed and the Jr. is Sheldon Whitehouse, both (D)
New Jersey: Is one Frank Lautenberg (D)? The other one I'll know when I hear.
Del.: Joe Biden and Ben Cardin, both (D)
MD: Damn, I can't remember.
VA: John Warner (R) and Jim Webb(D)
NC: Crap, can't remember. Oh, wait. I was working on TX and I remember that one is Elizabeth Dole (R). Maybe.
SC: Nope. One might be Saxby Chambliss (R), but he might be from GA. One might be Lindsey Graham (R).
GA: See above. I don't know the other one.
FL: I think one's name is Criss, and I can picture the other guy (D), but don't know his name, maybe Graham (R).
Penn.: One is Arlen Specter (R) and the other?
WV: Robert Byrd and Jay Rockefeller, both (D)
KY: Mitch McConnell and Jim Bunning, both (R)
TN: The one guy's name starts with a C and he's (R). The other I forget.
Ala.: Richard Shelby (R)? Not sure, though.
Miss.: Trent Lott and Haley Barbour (It took me a while to remember this one), both (R).
LA: I forget.
Ark.: I forget, but I bet they're (R).
Ind.: Richard Lugar (R) and Evan Bayh (D).
OH: Sherrod Brown (D) and I forget the other.
Mich.: Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, both (D)
IL: Dick Durbin and Barack Obama, both (D)
Wisc.: Herb Kohl (I think) and Russ Feingold, both (D)
Minn.: One is Norm Coleman (R), the other is a woman (D), but I forget her name.
IA: Tom Harkin (D) and I think Charles Grassley (R).
MO: Claire MC Caskill (D) and I forget the other, but I think it's a male (R).
TX: Kay Bailey Hutchinson and John Cornyn, both (R). Fuckin' Texas...
Okla.: You know when you have to snap your fingers to remember a name. I had to to remember...FUCK...I can picture his weasel (R) face. He's a big dick. I'll come back to this one. Oh yeah, James Inhofe (R), but he might be from Kansas.
KS: Pat Roberts (R) and I know the other is a (R) asshole.
Nebr.: Chuck Hagel (R) and I think Ben Nelson (D).
SDak: Tim Johnson (D) and the other is a (R).
NDak: Sorry, North Dakota.
Mont: One is a (D) who was recently elected, big guy... The other I forget.
WY: Nope.
Colo: I think one is Ken Salazar (D). The other might be a (R).
NM: Pete Domenici (R) and I forget the other.
Ariz.: John McCain and John Kyl, both (R).
Cal.: Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, both (D).
UT: Orrin Hatch (R) is one. Don't know the other.
NV: Harry Reid (D). I forget the other.
ID: I got nothing. Wait, one might be Mike Enzi (R).
WA: Don't know.
OR: Nothing.
AK: Ted "Series of tubes" Stevens (R), my most despised senator. The other is a woman (R) whose name ends in -sky.
HI: Daniel Inouye (D) is one. I forget the others.