I know I post about poo a lot. Most of the time it's for childish or disgusting purposes. The frequency with which I did scatological posts was beginning to concern even me and I think it may have had something to do with recent decline in my readership. I had become a one-trick pony (or poo-ny, as the case may be)..
While in Chicago I discovered a product that restored my belief in the power of poo. It's Poo-Poo Paper. You can read about it
HERE. I think it's a great way to put a positive spin on a typically negative thing. It really gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "When you care enough to send the very best."
Huh, and here I thought poo pets were a good idea...
What exactly does it MEAN when you send a letter written on poo paper, I wonder??
I will keep this product in mind as I get a lot of traffic on my blog requesting gift ideas for a-holes and other such miserable folk. Now there is a special card stock just for them!
John McCain says there is a B.L.W. under his chin.
Jesus H.! Now I have to feel guilty for wiping my ass with regular toilet paper?
Look, I already buy "happy chicken" eggs and non-juiced milk. Don't make me spend twice as much on mf'in toilet paper too.
The elephants are cute though.
They're serious about this, aren't they?
We ladies are more familiar with the power of poo-ntang.
I have some lovely elephant dung note cards that my co-worker bought for me in Nepal. He knew I like elephants, so he thought they where the perfect gift.
Chris-at first I was going to tell you "that's just a huge load of elephant dump" but their site is really interesting!
Poo poo platter, please!
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