This tag is via
Samurai Frog. I'm supposed to tell you seven things you don't know about me. This will be difficult because I've pretty much told you damn near everything (I think I've done this tag a few times before). I'll give it a shot, though:
- I got to ride my bike out onto the field before a San Francisco Giants game at Candlestick Park during the National Anthem. It was at the beginning of my cross-country bike trip. It was a weird-ass feeling being in front of that many people at once. I can't imagine how the players must feel.
- I used to love to listen to Casey Kasem's top-forty countdown every Sunday morning after church while eating donuts. I still like donuts, but have long since outgrown church and Casey.
- I earned the Gold Feather award in Indian Guides when I was a kid. I thought I was hot shit because I got this kick-ass plaque (that I nerdily still have). To get it, you had to get a bunch of the other feathers first. You earned them by memorizing stuff about trees, rocks, constellations, and other nature-related stuff. I was in the Chippewa tribe. My Indian-name was Little Bear and my dad was Big Bear.
- If talent wasn't an issue and I could have any job I wanted, I think I'd either be a jazz musician or a play-by-play announcer for either football or baseball games. I also wouldn't mind being the guy who got to "greenlight" TV shows for a particular network. Oh, and I think doing something in woodworking would be cool, too.
- I didn't really start following politics closely until I moved to France my junior year of college. It was during the Clinton/Bush Sr./Perot race. I'd get the International Herald Tribune to keep tabs on who was doing what. Even though I knew little about the other two, I really didn't want Poppy Bush to win.
- I found out I had Osgood Slaughter disease my freshman year of high school, which got me out of running cross-country. I always thought it was a tough-sounding thing to have, even though it was relatively harmless.
- I hate freedom. Or so I've been told...
I tag:
Doc (once he gets his fleas under control),
Hapabukbuk, and
Football got me out of Cross Country. Thanks God for football.
Wow, that's pretty awesome that you went all the way across America, though I'm sure the Candelstick dust, the asbestos and air polution respectively, from the nearby Hunter's Point Shipyard and PG & E Electric Plant, didn't help your start.
Keep reaching for the stars, Chris.
Osgood Slaughter disease? Your blog is entertaining AND educational.
That's incredibly cool that you:
Rode a bike cross-country
Studied in France
Memorized many nature facts
I especially loved Casey's long distance dedications. Often, I seem recall being songs by Journey.
Dude, I totally saw them open for Iron Maiden back in '84. They fuckin' ROCKED!!
Every once in awhile, my wife will say "why don't you go back to school and get your law degree." To which I reply, "Ok. When I'm done with that, I'll try out to play shortstop for the White Sox."
I too listened to Casey Kasem religiously, though rarely after church since we barely ever went.
I would love to take a bike trip like that! That would be so much fun seeing all the different sites close up and slow enough to appreciate them!
I watched Casey Kasem AND I listened to his voice on Scooby Doo.
(btw, the groundskeeper did it)
Why not be a jazz musician AND a play-by-play announcer?
I met Casey at a charity walk for MD. He asked me about my Police t-shirt that I had bought at the show the day before. I told him I liked the opening band, Ministry, better. He walked away. What do you want from Mr. Top 40?
I had my Casey phase too. Never missed a show for about 2 years.
My post is up.
Thanks for the enlightenment-you've had a very interesting life so far. More interesting than mine... ya freedom hater!
Duely Noted.
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