"Let's get ready to RUMBLE!"
-Michael Buffer, Some guy who gets paid to
say this before major sporting events

"Let's kick it up a notch! Bam!"
-Emeril Lagasse, The spazzy guy who cooks.

"Seize the day!"
-Robin Williams, The unconventional teacher
in that poetry movie.

"Just do it."
-Some Nike ad wizard.

"Git'r Done!"
Larry, That comedian with the ripped-off sleeves.

"Stinky poo!"
-Some guy.
Happy New Year everyone!
you mean Fred Thompson doesnt inspire you!
hahaha That is a fantastic picture of "some guy".
Happy New Year!
that last saying motivates me beyond belief.
happy new year, chris.
Oh my God! I just realized that you and Larry the Cable guy are twins separated at birth!
Happy new year to you and your non blogging girlfriend. It's been a pleasure to read you and to get to know you through your blog. Best of 2008 to you and Megan.
I'm ready to go out there now and give a hundred and ten percent!
Thanks for keepin' it real.
happy new year!
Have a great 2008, Megan and Chris!
hardly surprisingly, yours is th' v. best of the lot.
And thank U for leaving Lou Holtz outta' this...
"Stinky Poo" over "git'r done," any day.
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