A few of us got together for a virtual Secret Santa gift exchange, sponsored by our pals Dr. Monkey V.M. (who happened to be my Secret Santa and got me a lovely gift) and Dr. Zaius. The spending limit was anything between $1 and $1 trillion. I drew Suzy at Luminiferous Ether. I must admit I was unfamiliar with Suzy's blog before now, but she sounds like my kind of person - very much into peace, social justice, and very much opposed to anything republican. She's also from the midwest (Madison, WI) and she's a teacher. I'd say she deserves something nice, donthca think?
Let's start out with the stocking stuffers. First, since I know she's pro-labor, how about a CD of pretty union hymns by Utah Phillips and Ani DiFranco:

And what better way to learn the history of our country that the PTB never wants to talk about than with a signed copy of Howard Zinn's classic book:

Finally, I noticed a couple of posts about Johnny Clegg and Savuka, so as your final gift, I'm sending you on an all-expenses paid trip to South Africa. It's a special place for me, having been there a couple times myself and I know you'll love it. There you will see be a guest of honor at a live sunset performance atop Table Mountain in Cape Town and will be seated between Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu.

You will tour Robben Island, see the confluence of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and enjoy a safari through beautiful Kruger Park where you'll see Lions, Elephants, Giraffe, etc. in their natural habitats. Enjoy and Merry Christmas, Suzy!
I didn't have you pegged as a person who WENT kyakkin' enuff to HAVE a preference...
Anyway, you're generous and kind, good sir.
Wow, you went all out. Way to go dude.
Awesome gifts Chris. I hope you and Megan have a fantastic holiday!
man those are great gifts! I have Fellow Workers and an older version Zinn's History. Of course mine's not signed, though!
I have souvenirs from Kruger Park even though I have never been there. Long story. See you tomorrow. Merry Christmas!
Hi, Chris. And a happy War on Christmas to you too! I wrote you a long heartfelt thanks here on Saturday night, and just when I went to publish it, the internets connection went down and we only just got it back today! But I wanted to say, many thanks for the thoughtful gifts. I'm a big Utah Phillips fan, and I can reveal here for almost the first time that my sister is the midwife who delivered Ani DiFranco's baby last January. I go to hear Howard Zinn whenever he lectures in town, but I confess I have not read A People's History all the way through. I love love love Madison's lakes, and any way I can spend time on them is fine with me. Lake Wingra is nearest and dearest to my heart because I hung out on its shores when I was a young 'un, but now I live on the isthmus between Mendota and Monona. The most memorable winters are the ones where it freezes before it snows, and we can go skating on the lakes. There is nothing like it! Except perhaps a trip to South Africa!! Thanks.
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