I, for one, am thrilled that John Bolton has the free time now that he needs to avail himself as a pundit 'round my TV dial. It makes it so much easier to keep track of all the bullshit, horseshit fucking lies he's trying to pawn off on the Amurican people. Before, you really had to work to find his little nuggets of wisdom in the media, kind of the same way you had to hunt for the turds your mom would hide in the backyard on Easter morning.
What? You mean you didn't have Easter morning turd hunts when you were kids? You missed out.
Anyway, Bolton is a sack of shit. He is quickly filling the void on my loathe-list that's been left since Rumsfeld faded from view.
Bolton? I thought he played one of those metal clarinets, or something, and looked like a bowling ball in a hula skirt...
You do realize that you're dating yourself when you use the term "tv dial". Tv's haven't had dials since, like, 1977....
You might as well use the term "Rotary phone" while you're at it....
... you know, "rotary phone", like the kind the Brady's had....
No shit, I was just thinking the other day how boring a Gates is as defense secretary. I miss Rumsfeld in that regard. Or irregard.
Wow, he's an insta-pundit now? He must take some kind of special medication to keep his right hand from popping up like that of Kenneth Mars's character in the original "The Producers."
I've never heard of this guy. I had to look him up. There's something liberating about finding someone new who is clearly a tool and is uglier than me, especially someone who is younger than me but looks a few decades older. Thanks for the post, Chris.
Writeprocrastinator, that Kenneth Mars character is an absolute gem. One of my favourite movies.
"Writeprocrastinator, that Kenneth Mars character is an absolute gem. One of my favourite movies."
He was and is a gem, he's never done a bad role...though the first time I saw that movie, I tugged at my collar in slight discomfort.
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