- GKL would like a place with a good tequila list.
- Lulu would like to meet somewhere on the north side, but how far north I'm not sure.
- Bubs suggested going to a Tiki bar, although he didn't say which one.
- The Idea Of Progress wants alcohol present (I think that's feasible).
Edited to add: Duh! Thanks, Splotch, for pointing me to Bub's post about the Tiki bar. Does this sound good to everyone? It's kind of a nice, central location for city-folk and people coming from the 'burbs. Thanks, Bubs.
wait, did Bub's say "TIKI" bar or "TITTY" bar??
Um, is there a reason I wasn't invited to this get-together???? Is that how you treat your friends, Chris, by excluding them?? Well, that's okay. I've been asked not to show up before...
.. of course, I wouldn't be able to make it, even if I was invited. But still, it's nice to be asked.
Since I can't make a trip right now, how about a place that has one of those new mobile cameras on a line that floats above the action to catch everything going on?
I was pretty sure Bubs recommended a specific place. TenS offered to drive Lulu there, if I 'member correctly.
Yes, I recommended the fabulous Hala Kahiki Lounge in River Grove. They may not have an extensive tequila list for Kristilove, but after she drinks enough zombies she won't mind.
Skylersdad, i'm thinking of installing a spycam in my drinking fez to record the magic.
I will be there with my camera phone on.
I'm bringing a special guest star.
Lulu, I am intrigued and excited! Will you drop any hints?
I'm suspicious of any bar with a gift shop, but if Bubs likes it, then I guess I'll have to show.
Someone call ahead and make sure they have some anejo or I'm bringing my own.
The burbs? Really??
I will try to make it, as it sould be fun.
I'll see yous there.
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