Last night, I was being particularly annoying. Megan and I were watching a show I'm too embarrassed to admit to watching and it featured a werewolf. I kept calling it a "werewoof", as in "Look at that werewoof!" or "That werewoof is creepy!" I think I picked this up from a friend from high school who used to call them "werewoofs" to bug the shit out of another friend. Anyway, she told me that I should take the "L" I put in
"bolth" and use it in "werewolf" instead. I then told her I would just pronounce every "L" from now on, just to be safe, including the ones in "walk" and "talk".
I think she stopped talking (or "tall-king") to me after that.
As a matter of fact, Megan? I'm apologizing on Chris's behalf, in perpetuity. He is so very, very, sorry.
It cracks me up when people say "bolth" instead of "both". Where's that secret l come from?
Coming up with clever things like that is too much effort for me, I just throw things at my wife.
Don't use all of your annoying stuff up all at once, Some Guy! Reserve some annoying stuff to introduce new annoyances to keep it fresh.
From my experience, those little things don't annoy you the first, say, 100,000 times, in fact they can be quite charming up to the 50,000 mark, but when it gets to 100,001... there's no recovering from it!
Save your material. Trust me.
It's so cute that you do that. That totally reminds me of my first husband. Ahem.
I'll still talk to you, Chris! Any day!
I'd have to sll-ap you silly!
They say love is blind. I bet Megan wishes it was deaf too.
What's been lost in all of this is what you were watching.
Teen Woof?
Woof, starring Jack Nicholson and Michelle Pfeiffer?
American Werewoof in London? Paris?
Teen Woof, Too?
My dad says woof, crick instead of creek, brawl instead of bra (not that he talks about bras very much), concreke instead of concrete. I think it's a Kentucky or a southern Ohio thing.
He also says K-Mark and Wal-Mark.
My mother has never found this annoying. She loves him a lot.
I'll tell you what is annoying. It's when Some Guy doesn't do a post at least each day!!
I cant stop laughing, it's like I could HEAR you speaking...
Haha...two of my brothers say "milnk" instead of "milk" and the rest of my family has no clue where they got it from.
My dad says "warsh" instead of "wash" which drives me insane.
"My dad says "warsh" instead of "wash" which drives me insane."
Your dad is Emril LaGasse???
From almost posting daily to nothing? Where are you?
Perhaps you are the perfect person to settle an old argument for me. How do you pronounce R-O-O-F. Does it follow the pronunciation guidelines of W-O-O-F or R-O-O-T? Please advise.
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