First round-
The Cubs completely tank the first two games of the series. They are on the brink of elimination into the bottom of the ninth of game three. They are down by four, but score five runs on two outs to squeeze out a win. They go on to win the final two games to take the divisional series.
Second round-
The Cubs sweep the series in convincing fashion, giving Cub fans the false impression that they've finally hit their stride.
World Series-
The Cubs win 17-2 in the opener and Cubs fans are going nuts. They win the next two, but drop the following three to tie the series. In game seven, they are up by one in the bottom of the ninth with two outs when the dark lord Sauron descends from the heavens and smites the entire roster with one sword stroke, like in the first Lord Of The Rings movie, forcing the Cubs to forfeit.
They've fulfilled my prophecy so far.
Serenity now, serenity now...
Edited to add: They lost game 2. If it's not going to play out the way I predicted, I wish they'd just lose game 3 and get it over with.
Rockies just won two in a row!!
I would just like to point out that so far my prediction for Frank's blog is right on track.
Wait til' next year!
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