I made it all the way up until yesterday without seeing "Dirty Dancing". The fact that I've been sans girlfriend all this time might have something to do with my avoidance of it thus far. I can see why you ladies swoon over it. There's dancing. There's a generally shirtless or sweaty (or both) bad boy. There's forbidden romance. Plus, there's white-hot Jerry Orbach. What's not to love?
Although this is typically not my kind of film, it wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen. My one main complaint is with the music. They should've stuck with the '60 tunes exclusively. "Hungry Eyes" seemed oddly misplaced. And "She's Like The Wind"? Ouch.
I am a little concerned that this is a slippery slope. What's next? Shopping for dust ruffles? An afternoon of decoupage? I don't care how cute Megan is. I refuse to knit tea cozies, dammit!
I'm not a fan of Dirty Dancing (I felt the same about the music), but if you anticipate films about dancing as a new trend in your home - check out Strictly Ballroom (1992) dir Baz Luhrman or Mad Hot Ballroom - a documentary about NYC elementary school kids in a ballroom dance program.
I loathe this movie. mainly because my wife will watch it EVERY TIME it is on TV, which is at least twice a month on either Lifetime or O!
What's next? Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights, of course.
Megan owes you a shoot-em-up flik now!
I won't mention that the musical version is opening here, you know, in case Megan catches wind. I've never seen the movie and have no plans to see the musical so I feel pretty good about myself.
I could watch it over and over just to drool over Jerry Orbach.
Count me in. Never seen it.
I second the motion for Stricly Ballroom. It's great.
I cringe every time Baby opens her mouth - that whole, "I'm afraid of everything, blah, blah, blah, but most of all I'm afraid of how I feel when I'm with you." It's such bad acting. But God love a man that can dance. I can never turn it off whenever I do a surf-by, no matter how many times I've seen it.
Now I feel so stupid I told you that.
Okay, my experience of this film is a little different.
I was living in Chicago and working as a bartender in Wrigleyville. I had avoided seeing Dirty Dancing entirely the year it was released. I even avoided it on cable. And then one night I show up to work at the bar, and my dim, balding, macho mook of Chicago boss starts playing a VHS of the movie on the bar tv after the Bears game ends. I'm all "What's up with this shit?" And he's all "This is the best movie ever!"
I had to sit through that piece of shit movie while fifteen doughy superfans sobbed uncontrollably in their beers. Chick flick my ass.
I'm here to say, a) as you know, this movie is addictively bad and you've just made a big, humiliating mistake, b) lady is spot on about Strictly Ballroom and Mad Hot Ballroom; both are excellent, and c)Jerry Orbach is sex on legs, may he rest in peace.
Pretty soon you'll be forced to watch HGTV all the time!
I love Jerry Orbach. I cried when he died.
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