To be honest with you, I've never really been wild about the word "blog". It sounds too much like blob or blah or slog or flog. Here are a few alternatives I'm kicking around. Feel free to add your own.
- Bleer
- Blump
- Bloob (or Blooter)
- Blo'Reilly
- Blitch
- Blangst
- Blurp
- Blop
- Bleeb
- Blork
- Blozo
- Blupid
- Blonsense
Why did it have to be shortened to Blog? Was web log just to fucking long and hard to say?
Biary, Bemoir, Bjournal, Botes, Bhronicles, Busings, Banecdotes, Big 'ol Bwaste of Time
Blook, Bweblog, Bwrite, Bwritten, Babbler.
I like Babbler the best.
Skyler's Dad has a good point. It's very "in" to use the last syllable of a word as a nickname, especially in sports, and I'm getting sick of hearing about the 'Ning, the 'Lanche and the 'Stros. Let's use the whole damn word.
Go Redstockings!
"bloob". definitely vote for "bloob".
"Blitch" is one Poor George already came up with to describe what I do online.
I used to think blog was short for Led Zepplin's Big Logsong.
Blangst. Definitly Blangst.
But you found blove here! How can you really blitch?
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