I know a lot of you have recommended
this Goldman Sachs article by Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone. I'd like to as well. It's long, but worth your time. I did a similar post about
his AIG article. I can never really know if an article like this is 100% accurate, but I think it raises a lot of questions about how Goldman Sachs operates and how it benefits from having a number of former employees in influential government positions. Check it out.
Well this is odd, I was reading an article about Goldman Sachs and it said to come over here for a great post about snot. I am so confused.
I went and saw an advance screening of Harry Potter this week that was sponsored by Goldman Sachs, so they have the go-ahead from me to ruin the economy all they want.
I just can't. I want to, I need to be informed, but I've even had to cut my NPR exposure because the state of our financial affairs gives me hives.
*runs off to put head back in sand*
You have just made my day! I read that AIG article when you last posted it and was completely blown away. I've told everyone and their dog about it, but couldn't find my copy. THANK YOU for linking again so this time I can print multiple copies and hand them out.
Like the author says, we are totally fucked.
I didn't read it. It will only get my blood pressure up.
I regret to inform you that I can't read anything that might piss me off and this has all of the ear-marks of something that might send me into overload. That being said, I love the fact that you bring these things to my attention, but my doctor says that I am on the verge of strangling babies with my stress levels so I fear I must decline. If it would help in the least, I am willing to shoot a few harmless animals such as rabbits, crows, or crossing guards. Should that prove insufficient, I will burn down a courthouse or a church, your choice.
Contact me quickly as my week is filling up as it is.
Your friend,
I come over here to laugh...not cry. Mkay?
are you trying to say that Goldman Sachs doesnt have the best interest of SOme Guys Blog at heart
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