I want to thank
DCap for recommending Matt Taibbi's
outstanding article in Rolling Stone about the current economic crisis. I urge you to read it. It's long, but I finally feel like I have some sense of what these corporate fucks (and they are fucks) did and continue to do. I knew these guys were greedy, but I had no idea just how greedy. We need to get informed and demand fucking consequences for the people involved or we deserve what we get.
Is it too late to move to another country?
Teri, I placed a call to the queen of England a while ago, begging for her to take the colonies back.
So far no response.
I have started turning to Rachel Maddow to help me sort out the world in general -- financial stuff, political idiots, et al.
She reports with a sense of humor, but no screaming or throwing things. No cowbells. No whistles.
I actually feel a wee bit better after her show.
i am with you...... we all need a break from this mess
but we all still need to be informed
taibbi is a good writer and makes us all understand how bad things really are....
glad i could help
SD -- the queen is a smart lady- she dont want us back!
I caught that article as well; glad to see I'm not the only one it made angry. This is also a great video for financial simpletons such as myself to help understand how we got into this mess in the first place:
It's about 11 minutes long, but really informative.
Thanks, I'm going to read the article. All I know about the crisis, is that I won't be able to retire until I'm 137.
SD - who would take such f'd up colonies, as this point? You'd have to be really stupid.
although, I think the Queen might be a little...
J says:
Easy Chris. Stop whipping-up the masses.
I love Taibbi. Maher should have him back again.
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