It's been a while since I went a whole week without posting anything. At this point, my Google Reader cache is overwhelmingly full, so I am going to go through it and empty it without reading many of your brilliant entries. Could you all do me a favor and do a summary - no more than ten words - of your posts during the last seven days? Thanks!
No can do, carton boy.
Thought-provoking hilarity, making fun of life's little quirks.
Boom, Latin dogs burning, semen-stained shorts, sexy football, boom.
Pretty much the same old crap. Unfit for publication.
It's been a week since I've posted anything, so consider yourself up to date with P2W.
Putting the grope on Scope.
Meeting Gwen from Everything I Like Causes Cancer.
Honking Gwen's boobs....
Eating an alligator.
Schoolhose Rock.
A beaver shot.
Okay, that should be SchoolHOUSE Rock, not SchoolHOSE Rock. Clearly, my mind was elsewhere with the boobs, the groping and the beaver. I do apologize.
Thoughts on democracy, pokes at Sarah Palin, applauding Senator Franken, a recipe for spinach pesto. The usual boring lackluster stuff.
Movies to make you cry and Kelly Clarkson.
Much alcohol - esp. Zombies and Hurricanes - happened to my face.
Pet feces, drinking, cooking, getting fat and more pet feces.
Love interest: there, gone, there again. Still no digits. Poop.
(I used all ten words to describe one post but it's the only one worth reading.)
Blah blah I'm the smartest and know everything blah blah.
Uh, well I haven't posted anything since Friday. But you really should enter the caption contest.
Cora! Cora! Cora!
And I got hit on by Wyoming.
I wrote a cool short story today, other than that, nothing.
(Sorry, that's eleven.)
Ever notice that when you ask people to talk about themselves and you get a bazillion responses?
The only thing I have to add is that you make the cutest kid with the shiniest hair I've ever seen on a milk carton.
Dead petting zoo, refrigerator rockets, and Benjamin Button in reverse
Blah, blah, blah, Muppets, blah, blah, blah, son's birthday, sniffle.
There was pictures and text, and stuff. (7 words!)
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