My brother and I haven't always gotten along. A lot of it probably had to do with lingering shit from our childhood. He tended to get in more trouble than I did and school never came as easy for him as it did for me. Plus, we had to share a room until I was a sophomore in high school which, as any of you who experienced it know, can only serve to heighten tension. No matter what, though, he could always make me laugh. He's lived in Los Angeles for the last ten years, so I only get to see him briefly when he's in Chicago for Christmas.
It was great having him here. It seemed like we were able to talk and laugh about stuff without any of the petty childhood crap getting in the way. We reminisced a lot about our growing-up years. He told me what it was like living at home while my parents were going through their divorce. I was in college at the time and didn't have to deal with it like he did. He told me all about working in film and all the bullshit that goes on. He's usually reluctant to talk about the famous people he works with, but he did tell me what it was like working with documentary director Errol Morris because he knows how much of a fan I am.
There was a time when I felt like any sort of meaningful relationship with my brother was never going to happen. I'm really glad I was wrong.
That's a real nice thing - bonding with your brother. You are fortunate.
One question - that lake is in Michigan? So where are all the ice flows?
Bill- They're there. You just have to look closely.
For better or for worse, my sisters and I have forged pretty decent relationships as we get older. They still bug the piss out of me sometimes, but what am I gonna do- they're family, after all.
Fantastic! Warms my cold, dead heart.
I'd like a chance to bond with my brother but we're never sure where he's living (staying?) at any given time.
Here I had a snarky comment all planned and you had to go and make me all misty...
You owe me mister!
How does he eat ribs?
Zibbs- He's a vegetarian. I blame Los Angeles.
That's beautiful. Life constantly changes, and so do relationships and hearts. My sisters and I are like that - we can fight like three panthers in a duffel bag but they are the ones I call in an emergency.
Aww that's nice. I shared a room with my sister until I was about 15 so I know all about THAT joyousness. Now we too get along great. Occasionally I want to bang her fastidious little head against something but not often.
She doesn't work with famous people though.
Wow, that was nice. I'm glad you had quality time with bro!
- Jennifer
Great post, Chris. You know, when it comes down to it, in the end we have our siblings. I've learned that... as an older person :-).
My brother is 14 years older than me. He is my buddy - now. For years he was simply the idiot that was Mom's favorite! :D
Isn't it sad when people let pride (and stupidity) stand in the way of resolution?
Good for you guys!
Glad you made a connection with your brother. My brother and I have a great relationship eventhough he is 2000 miles away.
We shared a bedroom until the end of high school.
Yup. My sister and I shared a room until I was about 13 and my mom couldn't take the constant brawling anymore and moved me out into the rec room. Score!!
But, really, she and I had nothing in common and she talked non-stop and she was bigger than me (even though she's younger) and she used to steal my clothes and shoes and stretch 'em all out! Of course there was fighting. Duh.
We get along a bit better now, although she still drives me nuts. But I'm proud to say it's been 20 years since I last pinned her up against the wall and made her hit herself over and over while she cried her eyes out (heh heh heh).... It's still tempting sometimes though.
Let's see if I have this straight. Of the two of you, you were the straight-laced one?
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