Until now.
The mighty eye has been conquered. It was finally surpassed by my new number one, "Cinnamon Toast Crunch". It's at around page 4 on the Google search. I love the title, too. After lots of mundane CTC sites and blog posts, you'll see "Another Fucking Post About Cinnamon Toast Crunch". Apparently there is a hearty appetite for more posts on this subject despite my protestations.
A few less popular searches that caught my eye:
- my boyfriend is having cat sex
- is it ok to use a q tip to clean your nose
- im a guy and im ugly
- how to take a really good shit
- guy has big problem boner
- did maureen mccormick ever butt fuck
Well? Did Maureen?
And I am pausing for a moment of silence this morning at 10:45, the exact time Sandy lost her eye. Go ahead, try and prove me wrong on the time.
"my boyfriend is having cat sex"?! Well that's interesting. Might explain why the cat was puking in your slippers. Just saying.
I've always gotten a lot of searches for Ron Howard's brother.
Awww...poor ugly guy!
Heh, these are great! I get a lot of searches for "Goat fucking" (don't ask), but last night someone searched for "is it easy to fuck a goat".
I like people with a thirst for knowledge.
Well variety IS the spice of life!
Frankly, I've always envied you for cornering the "Sandy Duncan's Glass Eye" market, and can't believe she's been scooped by a cereal. At my place, I've had to be content with "sausage casings" and "www.sexframe.com".
For some reason when I read "guy has big problem boner" I heard it in my head in a ridiculous Asian accent, and could not stop laughing.
The problem isn't taking a good shit. The problem is where do you hid it when they come looking for it?
Lol. I am guy and I'm ugly. That's great.
At least google doesn't judge.
I'm also really interested in that Maureen thing. And the cat sex. Does that count as cheating?
I heard that Sandy Duncan's glass eye fell out and landed right in her bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
You're into cat sex, also?
I seem to be the go to site for "Julie Andrews topless."
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