
Scar Update...

It's been over a month
and my smiley-face scar
is still quite visible.


Leonesse said...

Has it gotten you the street cred you've been wanting?

Diane said...

cool. i had a butterfly shaped bruise once that i wished would last forever.

Micgar said...

Chris-that scar is mocking you! It's saying ha ha you got burned, buddy! That is, if scars could talk.

SkylersDad said...

What's the word from the prison cell gang on how they like it?

Greta said...

How cute!

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

I am so fucking JEALOUS that I can barely contain myself. I suppose I need a LAMP that uses those bulbs to get one JUST like it??

Jesus, this is getting expensive...

bubbles said...

o.k., I had missed the original post.
That is a riot!

You need to figure out what that switch is for. That bugs me! I finally figured out what the one in my house is for - it took me three and a half years!!

Mnmom said...

That is just too funny

Cora said...

Only a real man can sport a scar like that. Be proud. (And, seriously, be honest, your girlfriend LOVES it, right? Right?! I'm not kidding: sexiest scar ever!!!!)

Gwen said...

Chicks dig scars, especially such positive ones.

Anonymous said...

And it looks so happy to be there!

J. Hi said...

I get happy everytime I see your scar! :)

Moderator said...

I see the face of baby Jesus.

bubbles said...

grant miller:

I was thinking about this and I wonder if you could come up with some Harry Potter type story about that scar.

GETkristiLOVE said...

And if you hold your arm sideways, it's an emoticom scar.

~E said...


Dude...If I had that on my arm I could sit in a room and amuse myself with it for hours and hours and hours. And all anyone would hear would be giggling.

Not that I don't already do that now...but you know. It's nice when you have something to show for it.

katrocket said...

I think that's the most awesome scar I've seen in a while. And I know a girl who was a cutter in her teens and has a large scar on her leg that says "TONY".

Your scar beats TONY anyday.

Cormac Brown said...

What, they have raves up in Ski Country?

Distributorcap said...

did you sell it on eba