My other award was for Ugliest Blog. This one made me sad. You know, you shouldn't judge a blog based on physical appearance. It's what's on the inside that counts (in my case, toilets and snot). I mean, each blog is special in it's own way. Even though my blog is the aesthetic equivalent of this guy doesn't mean it has nothing to offer. You wait and see, once this blog gets older and matures - maybe bulks up a little and loses the acne - it is going to be linked to ALL the prettiest blogs.
So, in the meantime I recommend drinking large quantities of alcohol before visiting here. It helps induce a phenomenon know as "blog-goggles" and will make looking at it a lot easier on the eyes.
I always consume large amounts of alcohol before I come here, but then I do that before I go anywhere. And honestly, your's isn't a Fugly as my blog. Who else puts up a urine yellow background?
I don't need blog goggles-I love you just the way you are!!
Don't go changing....
you're beautiful chris
don't let anyone tell you
you're not.
toilets, snot and all.
How on earth did you find my senior portrait for your link to the ugly guy?
We all love your blog Chris, and bring on those baby pictures, cause I am about to enter the competition!!
can't wait for the baby pics.
No seriously.
Can't wait.
How did you find SkyDad's senior pic for that link to the ugly guy?! Wow.
As they said above, we love you just the way you are. Or at least we tolerate you. Same difference.
Great personality is what it is.
...don't go changin' to try and please us....we love you just the way you are....
...we want someone...or someguyyy-we love just the way you arrrrrre....
(sax solo)
Ugly=interesting...Beautiful=boring..so don't worry about that jealous guys who just tried to put you down! We love your blog!
And welcome back!
Awww! It's not ugly! Sure the lime green, neon white combination isn't healthy for those of us (me) suffering from stress induced epilepsy but that's for me to deal with. I think it's pretty just the way it is.
And to continue with Candy's thought:
...to try to please me...you know you'll never let me down...doo be doo be doo.
beauty is only bytes-deep
there are still more baby pics?
It's a known fact that ugly blogs try harder in bed. Viva la Ugly Blogs!
I come here for the excellent conversation, then pick up another, more attractive blog to go home with.
Yes, it may be unattractive, but your blog has an enormous schwanzstucker. Voof. So it's going to be popular with the ladies.
Technically, serif fonts other than Courier New have always bugged my on the screen. Don't cotton for them so much in print, either.
I still can't believe I beat you for Blurriest Pictures. That's bullshit!! I'm boycotting next year's awards. Unless someone nominates me for Blogger of the Year again, of course.
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