I got a ski helmet as a Christmas gift. Up until now, I had never worn one for skiing. More and more skiers are wearing them these days. Although the guy above is an exception, there is NO way to look cool wearing any kind of helmet. But, as I learned this weekend, a helmet has two advantages. For one, they're warm. It was about four degrees Saturday morning and I was nice and toasty. The one I got also has speakers in the earflaps so I can listen to my iPod more easily.
The weekend was near perfect. After the holidays the crowds die down a bit. I had no accidents to work on either day. Despite the early cold, the sun was out both days! That is a rarity, especially in January. The snow was in great shape as well.
There are certain songs that lend themselves to different types of ski runs. I tend to like up-tempo stuff that I can bounce down the hill to. One of my best runs was during a Booker T & The MGs song called "Soul Limbo". It's a groove and if you want to listen to it, fast forward this YouTube video to 3:16.
I was glad to get another great weekend of skiing in before the weather turns to shit. Here is the extended forecast for up by me. I know to some of you north of me, this is nothing, but for around here, this is not a trend you look forward to:
You forgot about the other big advantage to helmets - NOT getting a head injury! Many of my Social Work clients were head injury victims, and believe me it ain't pretty.
Geez I sound like your Mom!
When you start wearing the helmet while mowing the lawn in the summer, you know either:
1) You're a dork
2) You've got a Hondeere riding mower.
From looking at the forecast it sounds like you are going to need a fur-lined jockstrap as well, 'cause brother, that's looking to be cold!
Just out of curiosity, do you have to wear a small cask of brandy around your neck on ski patrol?
ew, I hate those kind of temperatures. Good luck with that.
Come on Chris, helmets are for sissy's! I never wore one and crashed a hundred times and it never affected my... Ohh, look at all the pretty sparkly things!
Wait, what was I talking about?
Is it time for pudding?
Hee hee hee. Can't get over the pic. I need to go watch Space Balls now.
I'm sure he gets some serious "helmet head" after wearing that for a few hours.
If anyone teases you about the helmet, you can always write the word "extreme!" on it. Maybe with some flames and stuff. Then they'll leave you alone.
helmets make sense to me....
A helmet with an Ipod hookup??!! What an awesome way to put the cool back into being an overprotective mom. I gotta get me two of em.
death and/or injury is lame, but safety is gay
Brain buckets are a good idea. I can't tell you how many tourists die here a year just because they hit their head.
if you make it to the vancouver olympics i want to watch you ski
Oh c'mon Chris - lots of folks rock the helmet! Just off the top of my head (har har):
1) Darth Vader
2) Boba Fett
3) Ponch from C.H.I.P.s
4) the Construction Worker from the Village People
5) Ghengis Khan
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In our previous lives, we built sophisticated web sites for companies. We love building web sites. We love our dogs. We are dorks. Our closest friends are imaginary. We also love skiing and snowboarding. By combining two of our passions, we have put together the ultimate ski reporting web site. Imagine if King Kong and Godzilla had a child. That's what we want SkiReports.com to be.
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