Recently he used the word "volumptuous" to describe someone. I informed him that the word is "voluptuous", but after some consideration have decided that "volumptuous" actually sounds better. Therefore, from this day forward, I too shall use "volumptuous" and I suggest all of you do the same. In order to bring along all those who don't yet read this blog (there are a few), I'm recommending that you try and work this word into daily conversation at least 8 times a day. If anyone tries to correct you, first ask them if they live in a cave and then tell them that it has been changed and that they need to get on board.
You see, this is how a grassroots movement works.
I am on board Chris! I used to have a co-worker who would always say "It's a mute point" instead of using moot. I guess her points couldn't hear.
Silly Skyler's Dad, it is Moo point, just ask anyone.
I knew a kid in high school who said "volumptuous" and refused to believe he was saying it wrong. Perhaps it's the same guy. Wouldn't that be weird?!
My Dad was always saying things like that. He vacationed with a friend and the guy's knitting wife and said she spent the whole week "croqueting an afghanistan".
Also, I was raised on "buck naked" but I hear and see "butt naked" all the time. Some guy - please advise - which is correct?
I am all for any plan that involves mocking people who aren't me publicly.
You are a true leader, Some Guy!!
i could only fit it into conversation five or six times today. but i'm going to try harder tomorrow. i'll make you proud!
I just don't get hearst instead of hearse. I have heard that one many times from random people. Odd.
Volumptuous is the new Ginormous.
You can use them both.
"Jayne Mansfield was sure volumptuous."
"Yeah, her breasts were ginormous!"
Curious..I had a friend who would say "andrenaline" instead of "adrenaline" and refuse to change it for the right version because it didn't sound right in her head..
I said it to a lady at the grocery and she asked me out.
I actually know at least two people who say "volumptuous." You're right, it does sound better.
I like volumptuous much more than when my co-worker says shoulda did. As in, "he shoulda did it yesterday". It's right up there with suposably and Valentimes Day.
I think bolth volumptuous and voluptuous sound good.
Did you catch that? Bolth of them.
An old girlfriend used to accuse me of using filfthy language. But then I heard her friend say 'thilthy', and realized I was hanging out with bad people.
I used that word on the girl today at work that pronounces "tracheotomy" as "Track-ooo-ta-me".
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