recently that no one's ever heard of
and it kinda made me laugh.
Well, it's the guy's birthday and he's
feeling lonely because nobody ever
reads his stuff or leaves him comments.
Do him a favor and show him you care.
I think it's called This Green Water Buffalo
or something.
The Green Buffalo? I've been trying to come up with a name for a second blog that I can use to sell Airbonne. I think I'll steal that name.
Thanks Some Guy!
This is just great Chris, well done!
Yeah. Yeah, I think I ran into that blog once or twice. Poor lonely little man. How sad.
I'll have to pay the old guy a visit. I think he turned 107 today or something.
Huh, I think I ran across him once or twice..
Poor thing - just wallowing out there in cyberspace with no comments or readers.
Yeah that guy's kind of a loser. Hope he doesn't cry as he eats his birthday cake all alone tonight.
I wanna see Zibbs naked.
Enough said.
Who? Never heard of him. Sounds like a weirdo. I'll pass, thanks.
And that photo! Holy cow... I mean, buffalo.
Nice shout-out for the Doctor, by the way. :)
That Nana Zibbs is such a hottie! She should consider doing a boobie calendar for charity!
Hmmmm never heard of him. I'm with Gwen. I think we'll pass. Already way too many other blogs to read! Just saying....
- Jennifer
Happy belated birthday to Dr Zibbs!
Just came back to see what people said about me. Ohhhh. Sista #2 wants to see me naked huh?
Also, thanks for helping be get my biggest traffic day ever 490!
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