I am so goddamn sick of seeing blog posts about Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Every fucking blog I visit, there it is. It's all Cinnamon Toast Crunch this and Cinnamon Toast Crunch that. Enough! Can't you people think of something else to blog about!? And don't give me that tired old bullshit about how it's made from whole grain. Let me repeat:
It's yesterday's fucking news! I mean, sure, it's a decent cereal, but come ON! Does it really warrant this much attention?It's time to move on, people.
I'd have to agree.
And now I'm just afraid there's going to be a rash of posts about the Governor's taint.
Perhaps I'm reading the wrong blogs. This is the first CTC post I've read. Maybe this is one of those inside jokes that the new kids won't get. Maybe I've come across a secret CTC hating organization...
I've never seen a blog about CTC....provide some links please....mmmmmmmm cinnamon toast crunch.....yummmy....mmmmm yum
I know Grant Miller blogs about this...Actually, I may post about using it as an ice cream sunday topper...
Are you serious? I can't get enough blog posts about CTC! I love them! MORE, PLEASE!
And look at the baker on the box. Cap'n Crunch could kill him using just his pinky.
Great - And I was just about to start my annual "Twelve Days Of Cinnamon Toast Crunch" Christmas Blogpost Countdown. Your loss.
I will join you on your march to the capitol steps Chris!!
There's a whole grain version? Holy shit now I have something real to blog about!
where are you visiting that everyone keeps talkin about this cereal?
Thanks a LOT for crushing my CTC post dreams! Now all of December is screwed, and most of January too. Bastard!
Cinnamon Toast Crunch? I haven't seen these posts. Either I don't get out much, or you're making this up.
Seriously, people are blogging about cereal? That can't be very exciting, can it?
Unless it's Dr. Zibbs. Then it's probably freakin' hilarious, if a bit half-baked and with spelling errors.
Are posts about Peanut Butter Crunch or French Toast Crunch passe, too? Because that was pretty much my next month of posts.
Uhm... you are scaring the kids.
I was going to post about a new wonderful box of Cinnamon Cereals,but you put me down..so I did it about Keyboard for Blonde and Mopping Shoes!
Everyone knows CTC is just Golden Grahams with extra sugar.
No one needed to fuck with the 'Grahams. They were perfection.
I really should blog about this.
I don't know why, but as I read through the comments I got to Jen's "sorry" and busted out laughing. I dunno. That was just funny for some reason. Everyone else is going on and on and then there's a faint little "sorry."
Okay maybe you just had to be here. In my mind, I mean. Whatev.
Sass said taint.
(Sorry, the only cereal jokes left were all soggy.)
Where are all these cereal blogs? I haven't seen 'em.
No Cinnamon Toast Crunch for me. I had a morning sickness episode involving CTC that still sickens me today 12 years later. NEVER AGAIN.
See, I only blog about Pops and Apple Jacks.
Promise. Well sometimes about Frosted Pop Tarts . . .
LeMeems- Welcome! I'm glad you're not part of the problem.
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