Now that Dubya has said his last goodbye, the only time I want to hear his stupid voice ever again is in front of a jury testifying about the cavalcade of shit he has wrought upon this country. I missed much of his speech because I was too busy screaming at the TV. He was the King Midas of presidents, except everything this guy touched turned to poo.
I watched for 5 minutes - that's all I could stomach. He can't shut up soon enough.
I did not watch....I hate the smirk
A true mairkin paytrot is leaving office in a few days. His legacy won't be counted in American dead after Katrina, in the ravages to the remaining shreds of the constitution or in the number of forclosures across the States, but in the franchise rights he's established for every penny-ante extremist with a megaphone on the Arab street looking to set up shop breeding a new generation of hate against our country. Mission accomplished.
I've been ready for this day for a long time.
Oh come on now. You have to at least admit that Bush was responsible for no terrorist attacks on american soil since 9-11.
His stupidity allowed them to relax.
"Why sacrifice ourselves in an attempt to destroy America? Let's just sit back and watch while Bush does it for us."
I couldn't agree more Chris!
Poo is Bad! We watched a tad of it at the bar last night. Then we went back to talking amongst ourselves :)
- Jennifer
*gasp* Are you picking on Poobomber?!?!
Amen sister!
I hope he wont resurrect, once in a while, like Spain's former president Aznar...I think that Bush, Aznar and Berlusconi should start to make only late night comic shows...listening to their experiences would be hylarious!
Howl! It's been a long time since I've heard the word cavalcade.
I've spent eight years hating this idiot, hating him with all my heart.
Everything he touches turns to me?
I'm kinda repulsed, yet strangely turned on.
Didn't watch-wouldn't and couldn't. I think I would smell poo in my nostrils for a while.
i love how much a mutual hatred has brought us to each other to love each other, some guy.
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