
Happy Monday, Everyone!...

I hope it's a humdinger!


Valerie said...

Megan sure is a lucky girl.

The [Cherry] Ride said...

Is that really you?

Some Guy said...

Cherry- Nah. It's some guy.

Seriously, it's not me, just a random find on the internets.

Joe said...

We should introduce him to my midget clown

SkylersDad said...

I believe the foil keeps the aliens from reading your thoughts!

Not sure what it does for the boys tho...

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I think I partied with him in the late 90's. He kept Bogarting the weed.

Mnmom said...

LOVE it! I've always wanted to do that on a Monday. Perhaps next week.

Distributorcap said...

you found the Honeymooners man from space

Micgar said...

Ha! Foiled again!

Frank Sirmarco said...

Is that Mike Finch?