I regret to inform you that it was a bald-faced lie. I have never wondered this in my life. Not once. After all, the entire notion that Genghis Khan and his brutal legacy had any impact on Chaka's career is quite ludicrous. I'm now doubting whether they are even related.
By insinuating that somehow Ms. Khan's success was based on anything other than her own hard work and God-given talent is wrong and, quite frankly, insulting. I sincerely hope that she can find it in her heart to forgive me. I will not rest until I undo whatever damage I may have caused with my flippant remarks.
the truth
shall set you free
I will add this though: A reliable source told me that more than 1/10th of population is related to Kahn. Not sure if it's true - just sayin'.
How could she not forgive you, Chris. You're the best. We all love you.
.. and anyone who doesn't is just plain stupid...
Well...in your defense, she is every woman. Therefore, she's descended from Ghengis Khan.
over in denmark i saw chaka khan in concert a few weeks ago
i will say i am not a fan
not at all
despite her lineage
I knew it was a lie right away Chris, everyone knows that Genghis had no rhythm!
chaka khan...chaka khan...chaka khan
I say she owes it to her costumer designer - WOW!
We all make mistakes. You more than other people, but we all do it. I, for one, forgive you.
Chaka "kahn" forgive you. Genghis "kahn" not. But I don't care, one way or another, because I am so upset about that poor little eggplant!
I've been waiting for so long to have you finally be straight with us on this Chris. You're all growed up.
But, but, they look so similar in those photos in the other post, not to mention she looks like she's letting out a Mongol war-cry.
I went to school with a guy called Genghis McCann.
I shit you not.
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