Even I don't know what prompted this post. Your guess is as good as mine.
*- For those of you who didn't watch Diff'rent Strokes, "Mish-tur D" was actually Mr. D - short for Mr. Drummond (or "Phil" as I liked to call him). He was the patriarch of the Drummond household. He was played by classically-trained master of stage and screen, Conrad Bain.
On a related note, you know what really made this show what it was? It wasn't Arnold. It wasn't Pearl, Adelaide, or Mrs. Garrett. It wasn't even Abraham, the black goldfish. It was the apostrophe. One single piece of punctuation gave this show attitude - gave it zazz. These were not, after all, Diff-ER-ent Strokes. They were DIFF'rent. Remember that.
They'll have theirs, you'll have yours, and I'll have mine.
And together we'll be fine.
If someone had a gun to my head and said I needed to kill either this kid or Oliver from the Brady Bunch - I'd tell them to pull the trigger on me. I hate them both equally.
I would be ashamed to tell you about my different strokes, but thanks for bringing it up.
Ah, Danny Cooksey – definitely brought the zazz as John Connor's badass buddy in T2.
It was an OK show, no Fresh Prince of Bellaire, but what was?
Though, I'll admit, I was laughing before I ever read one sentence. The photo alone is fucking priceless.
(why do I always have to curse!?)
Dr Zibbs said...
"If someone had a gun to my head and said I needed to kill either this kid or Oliver from the Brady Bunch"
The guy who played Cousin Oliver - Robbie Rist is a musician in LA now & plays in every other band in the city. You can't go see a band play in this town without him being on stage with at least one of them.
Chris - you amaze me
yesterday I saw this pic
when I did a google image search
I saved it on my desktop
so I could do a post later
I check your blog
and there's the pic!!!
I KNOW you are my twin
and we were separated at birth
it's scary
this has happened so many times!!!
Jen- That is freaky! I know what you mean. I have gone to your blog MANY times and seen a post about something I was just thinking about doing.
OK, I'm thinking of a number...
Nah, anything with with a kid's picture is down right frightening. Dose buggers are evil. Just wait, one's gonna eat your soul.
I don't even remember this kid. Was he like the midget, er, kid in "Family Matters" that showed up and disappeared?
Zibbs-me too-those kids just got to me-real bad.
see you, Mish-tur Chris. uggh! just saying that got me fuckin' madder n hell!
maybe he was really saying "Miss Turdy"?? You know, his really feelings about the show??
Conrad Bain is a genius.
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