Sorry about that last post. I didn't mean to give you all grabbers (a "grabber" is a heart attack).
We are back from a sailboat trip up in the North Channel, a chain of uninhabited islands along the northern shore of Lake Huron. You can watch some video from last year's trip HERE, but I'm sure most of you have watched it hundreds of times already. It is a beautiful area.
Unlike last year, we saw quite a bit of wildlife this time. We saw tons of loons, a beaver (a nice one), a bald eagle, and a black bear. We had been hoping to see a bear. The one we saw was galloping across the highway in front of us on our drive home. We were thrilled.
Megan, who spent her childhood going to the ocean, is always commenting on how nice it is that she doesn't have to worry about sharks while swimming in fresh water. I reminded her of the Canadian Maple Sharks. They are twice the size of a Great White with three times the appetite. These sharks can be identified by the small Canadian flag they affix to their flanks so that Europeans don't confuse them with the more obnoxious American sharks from America.
I haven't seen a Maple shark in some time, but I enjoy the rare spotting of a nice beaver around here on occasion.
Dear Some Guy, while you were away, Dr Zibbs was killed by either Lupus or a broken heart. We found him with his head on his computer. Your blog page was open. Signed, his lawyer Timmy.
Gotcha! It's me, Dr Zibbs. I'm still alive. See, that's what you get for that joke about ending your blog. Hmmm? Hmmm? It's great you saw wildlife but what do you mean the beaver was nice? Also, do bears "gallop?" If I were there, I would have captured the bear then convinced you to teach it that walk you do to annoy your girlfriend. I'm sure you have a lot of THAT BLUE YAK reading (and commenting) to catch up on so I'll let you go.
Well, they could be American sharks POSING as Canadians so French waiters don't spit in their chum.
I've heard the rare Canadian Maple shark only nibbles, doesn't bite. That would be ill-mannered, eh?
Well, I guess a person would be safe from the maple shark, unless their butt looked like a stack of pancakes.
I have a huge gash in my side (got 1,567 stitches) when I got bit by one of them damn maple sharks while I was surfing in the lake.
The American sharks can find a Marlboro, a Budweiser, or a Big Mac in an Olympic sized swimming pool. It is a little known fact.
We're very tasteful and tasty, we CMSs.
Could you please draw a distinction between a nice beaver and a mean beaver.
Are you waiting for me to comment on the nice beaver?
Actually, there are fresh water sharks, The Nicaragua Shark off the top of my head. There is also the New Jersey incident, which show that they will (rarely) go into fresh waters.
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