Some of you may notice that my video a couple posts down is no longer available. I hope you all got to see it because it truly was a masterpiece. Ask anyone. Turns out, some agency working on behalf of Mr. Morrison informed me I was violating Mr. Morrison's "moral rights". Now, normally when somebody starts telling me what I can and can't do, I turn into a little bulldog and fight back tooth and nail. However, this guy (the "Web Sheriff", as he is known) was so freaking nice and funny about the whole thing, I decided to give in and take it down without much of a fight. I invited him to check out my blog during our correspondence. I hope he (or maybe she) does.
Dear Mr Web Sheriff,
I have been a loyal reader of Some Guy for some time, and he is without a doubt not the type who would violate a fellow human beings moral rights.
Several animals, and perhaps some inanimate objects may be in fear of said violating, but never another person.
Hmmmm. . .I wonder if this agency can issue a cease-and-desist for any of your other annoying habits. . .
Megan, good job on the "Web Sheriff" ruse. Glad that worked so well.
Oh trust me. It was a some bitch. Let me see what I can do. I own most of Van's (the man as us insiders call him) work so, I'm not promising..but let me make a few calls.
Protecting Your Rights on the Internet
Tel 44-(0)208-323 8013
Fax 44-(0)208-323 8080
Hi Chris, SkyDad, Megan & Everyone,
Hope you're all well and just wanted to let you know that Chris' story is completely true - well, the moral rights bit anyway !!
Chris had raised a very good point about fair use when he was messaged through YouTube about his sing-a-long to a load of Van Morrison tracks ... .. as only short extracts were used, the only problem (such as it was) simply arose because, in his ditty, Chris changed the lyrics to the songs - not a heinous crime and Chris was himself typically humerous and witty about it.
What are "moral rights" we hear you clamour : well, they're simply (a) the right be be identified as the author of a work (box ticked) and (b) the right not to have your work / creation treated is a derogatory manner (box crossed).
Anyway, any questions, please feel free to ask, although Chris will know most of the answers.
All The Best,
P.S. Fun blog : )
Dammit I missed it! Damn Websherrif!
"the right not to have your work / creation treated [in] a derogatory manner"
Puh-lease. I call bullshit.
Don't invite the PO-lice to the party. They'll bogart all the good stuff.
Protecting Your Rights on the Internet
Tel 44-(0)208-323 8013
Fax 44-(0)208-323 8080
Hey 'Viki' & Everyone,
The "derogatory" bit is 100% true and an enshrined right (not too sure why they call these 'moral' rights however) ... .. thanks for the typo correction by the way.
Best for the W'end,
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