I am in the market for a new wolf shirt. Megan accidentally used my old one to mop up some cat puke the other day. That's the second time she's done that! She really needs to be more careful. Anyway, as with all my major life decisions, I'm leaving it up to you, my readers, to decide which one I should get. I have superimposed my avatar onto each one in order to assist you in your deliberations.

This one is nice. There are four wolves. Three are looking this way and one is looking over there, probably at a chirping grasshopper or something.

This one is a little flashy, but who knows? Maybe I could use a little more flash in my life. There's only one wolf, but he's got a very "come hither" stare, like "Hey, baby. Can I buy you a drink?"

This one epitomizes my "bad boy" side. Plus, I do drool a lot.

This one has three wolves singing. It kind of reminds me of the Kingston Trio. I can just hear them singing
"Tom Dooley" in perfect three-part harmony.

This one kills two birds with one shirt. I show my love of wolves AND my love of the stars & bars. America, fuck yeah!

OR, maybe I should go in a totally new direction and get myself a kick-ass rhino shirt.
You can see now why I have come to you for help. I can't possibly be expected to make a decision like this on my own.
Get the 3 wolves singing, but only if they are doing "MTA".
I agree, but instead of singing, I would say they are worshiping the ground you walk on.
Dude, you gotta go with the wolf and flag t shirt. And then keep it under lock and key when you're not wearing it.
If I just had a cat, then I could finally have an excuse to get rid of my husband's cruddy old favorite t-shirt. I wonder what my kid would charge to take a dump on the living room rug?
That is a tough one. I've had a similar shirt in my brain for a while. If you want to get McGone to design it for free, here it is: Two wolves facing each other (symetrically) - an eagle flys overhead holding a gun that says USA all the way. Manatees are at the bottom. And a mix of barbed wire and great white sharks circle the design...and most importantly, "gas grass or ass - no one rides for free" is at top.
#3...the one with the drool!!
"Go with the yellow. It brings out your flawless complexion, highlights your youthful grin, and brings out the depth of your eyes." That is what my mother would have said.
Me, I'd go for the drool.
If you seriously get one of these you'll be my hero. Put it on YouTube, please.
Kingston Trio...
for sure..
It will bring you good karma
I bet it comes with a free
dream catcher too!!
that would kick ass!!!!
I vote you youtube it too
Go for the rhino shirt and wear it when your "in the mood".
are you a sheep in wolf's clothing?
Rhinos, dude, go for the rhinos. Wolves are so 1992.
I'm feeling the flag one, also. It's just so... you.
I never realized how deeply troubling shirts with wolves are until you showed me.
A wolf shirt is really not a wolf shirt without a dream catcher motif.
I'm assuming you are not buying this two sizes too small and wearing it when you play with your emo band.
Go with the yellow one. Or the rhinos. The bright colors make the whole concept less disturbing.
omg that made me laugh. thank you. and for the record, the flag one totally has my vote.
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