Go ahead and laugh all you want, but if shit starts to go down in some snowy part of the world, this guy's left breast will be completely invisible to the naked eye thanks to the camouflage cup. And you know what lies beneath the left breast, right? The ol' ticker. The one place you don't want to get shot by an evil-doer. This guy is smart. He's taking necessary precautions during the Global War On Terror, something all of us could stand to do a better job of. Sure, some "doctors" will tell you your heart is in the middle of your chest. Hogwash! I don't know about you, but when I recite the Pledge, I put my hand over my heart ON THE LEFT.
One problem. From his expression, I can tell he has a "heart of gold" (not literaly), meaning he has a larger than normal sized heart. The problem is, the pointy part of the heart (on the bottom) will point out of this badly fitted bra.
Whether or not he wears a bra, or what type it is, is not this guys main issue. From the size of that large mound that appears to be a gut, he has less than 6 months to live anyway.
I don't even know what to say. I love you, I think? Is that inappropriate at this stage of our relationship?
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